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Add Static Binaries to Persistent Partition with Trusted Boot

During EdgeForge, you are able to customize the resulting installed Operating System (OS) of your Edge host. This allows you to add various utilities that can be useful in setting up your Edge host and getting it ready for cluster creation as well as using those utilities for host maintenance.

However, if you want to use Trusted Boot, the firmware can impose limitations on the maximum size of a bootable Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) file. This means that you can no longer add such utilities to your OS as freely as before. If the EFI becomes too large in size, the Edge host might not be able to boot it. Refer to Check EFI Boot Size Limit to learn how to determine if your Edge host is capable of booting the Edge artifacts.

If you would like to add software that can be used after the ISO installation, you can instead use the approach described in this guide to add the compiled static binaries of the software packages to the persistent partition of the installation partition instead of to the OS image itself. You will be able to access the content both before cluster formation and after. Because the content is placed in the persistent partitions, it will be encrypted by default.


  • The approach described in this guide is based on EdgeForge. You should become familiar with how to use EdgeForge to build ISO with Trusted Boot before using this approach to add software packages to your Edge host.

  • A physical or virtual Linux machine with AMD64 (also known as x86_64) processor architecture to build the Edge artifacts. You can issue the following command in the terminal to check your processor architecture.

    uname -m
  • Minimum hardware configuration of the Linux machine:

    • 4 CPU
    • 32 GB memory
    • 100 GB storage
  • Static compiled binaries of the software package you are adding to the Edge host.

  • Git. You can ensure git installation by issuing the git --version command.


  1. Check out the CanvOS GitHub repository containing the starter code.

    git clone
  2. Change to the CanvOS/ directory.

    cd CanvOS
  3. View the available git tag.

    git tag
  4. Check out the latest available tag. This guide uses v4.4.0 tag as an example.

    git checkout v4.4.0
  5. Copy the static binaries of the software packages you'd like to add to the Edge host to overlay/files-iso/. overlay/files-iso will be mounted at /run/initramfs/live/ during installation, enabling the installer to copy files from there into place during installation.

  6. In your user-data, add the following section, and replace YOUR_FILE with the name of the static binary file. If you have multiple files, you should add multiple lines, one line for each file.

    - name: Persist iso files
    if: '[ -e "/run/cos/uki_install_mode" ]'
    - echo "Copying files to persistent path"
    - if mount | grep /usr/local >/dev/null; then umount /usr/local; fi
    - for d in /dev/mapper/*; do if [ ! "$d" = "/dev/mapper/control" ]; then cryptsetup close $d; fi; done
    - /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-cryptsetup attach persistent $(findfs PARTLABEL=persistent) - tpm2-device=auto
    - mount /dev/mapper/persistent /usr/local
    - mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
    - cp -rfv /run/initramfs/live/YOUR_FILE /usr/local/bin/
    - umount /dev/mapper/persistent
    - if [ -e /dev/mapper/persistent ]; then cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/persistent; fi

    For example, if you want to add wget and ping, you would put both binaries under overlay/files-iso and add the following to user data.

    - name: Persist iso files
    if: '[ -e "/run/cos/uki_install_mode" ]'
    - echo "Copying files to persistent path"
    - if mount | grep /usr/local >/dev/null; then umount /usr/local; fi
    - for d in /dev/mapper/*; do if [ ! "$d" = "/dev/mapper/control" ]; then cryptsetup close $d; fi; done
    - /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-cryptsetup attach persistent $(findfs PARTLABEL=persistent) - tpm2-device=auto
    - mount /dev/mapper/persistent /usr/local
    - mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
    - cp -rfv /run/initramfs/live/wget /usr/local/bin/
    - cp -rfv /run/initramfs/live/ping /usr/local/bin/
    - umount /dev/mapper/persistent
    - if [ -e /dev/mapper/persistent ]; then cryptsetup close /dev/mapper/persistent; fi
  7. You have now configured the installer to copy the static binaries you provided to the /usr/local/bin folder, which is included in the PATH variable.

    You can perform further customization of the Installer ISO in your user-data file and customize the build script with the .arg file before starting the build. Follow Build Installer ISO with Trusted Boot to build the installer ISO.


  1. Follow the Installation Guide to install Palette on your Edge host.

  2. Issue the command that evokes the static binary. For example, wget and confirm that the software package has been installed successfully.