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Create a Workspace

Palette enables multi-cluster management and governance capabilities by introducing workspaces. This page teaches you how to create a workspace in Palette. All workspace settings can be updated after creation.


  • One or more active workload clusters within the project where the workspace is to be created. The clusters cannot be imported in read-only mode. Palette virtual clusters also cannot be part of a workspace.
  • You have the permission to create workspaces. For more information, refer to Permissions.

Create Your Workspace

  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. In the Drop-Down Menu at the top of the page, choose the project you want to create the workspace in. Workspaces are always scoped to a project.

  3. On the left Main Menu, click Workspaces. Then click New Workspace.

  4. Provide the basic information for the workspace.

    • Name: The workspace name must be unique in the project.
    • Description: An optional description for the workspace.
    • Tag: Optional tags for the workspace.

    When you are finished, click Next.

  5. Choose clusters you want to include in the workspace. A cluster may be included in multiple workspaces. Refer to Create a Cluster to learn how to add a new cluster.

  6. On the Clusters page, you can optionally create cluster role bindings. To create a new cluster role binding, click Add New Binding. Enter the name of the cluster role you want to reference in the cluster role binding.

    After specifying the role, you need to specify the subject to which the cluster role binding is applied to. Select the subject type and then enter the name of the subject. The name of the subject must be the same as it is defined in the cluster.


    Unlike Palette RBAC, the users you reference here are Kubernetes user objects in the cluster, not users in your Palette environment.

    While this action will create the same role binding across all the clusters that are part of the workspace, it does not define the cluster role nor the subject the role is bound to. You need to define the role yourself in each cluster as well as define the subject the role is bound to. Otherwise, the cluster role binding will not have any effect.


    If the cluster role in each cluster has different permissions, then the subjects that the role is bound to will also have different permissions across clusters, even though they have the same cluster role binding. The same applies to namespace-scoped role bindings defined in the next step.

  7. Enter the namespaces you want to include in the workspace. If a cluster that is part of your workspace has that namespace, the namespace and all resources that are scoped within it will be included in the workspace. If any cluster in the workspace is missing the namespace you entered, the namespace will be created on that cluster.

    You must use the names of the namespaces exactly, not regular expressions. The regular expression entries are only used for creating role bindings in a later step.

  8. After selecting the namespaces, you can specify resource limits that the workspace is allowed to consume in the Workspace Quota section. The Maximum CPU and Maximum Memory allow you to specif the maximum amount of CPU cores and memory that all resources in the entire workspace are allowed to consume.

  9. You may also specify resource limits on specific namespaces.

    For example, if you have two clusters, cluster1 and cluster2, and they each have a namespace called default. If you impose a 2 Gi memory limit on the namespace default, then the default namespace in both clusters will be able to consume 2 Gi memory each. For more information about resource quotas, refer to Resource Management.

    You must ensure that the namespaced limits, when added together, do not exceed the total workspace limit you configured. If you impose a workspace quota of 4 Gi memory for a two-cluster workspace, then a namespace cannot have more than 2 Gi of memory as its limit, since there are two such namespaces in the workspace and both of them added together are allowed 4 Gi of memory.

  10. On the same Namsespaces page, you can optionally configure role bindings. When you configure a role binding for a namespace, you are configuring the same role binding in that namespace in every cluster. Like in Kubernetes, you can use either a role or a cluster role in a role binding. Similar to cluster role bindings, this action does not create the roles or the subject for you. You must ensure that the corresponding role and subject referenced in the role binding exists in the namespaces you configured.

    You can use Regular Expressions (regex) to create role bindings in multiple namespaces that match a certain pattern. To do so, enter the regex in the namespace field. For example, /palette-.*/ will match all namespaces that start with palette-. When creating the role binding, you can select the regex as the namespace.


    Regex entries in the Namespaces field do not add the namespaces that match the regex to the workspace. You will not be able to monitor resource usage, impose resource limits, or create backups unless you specifically add a namespace by its name.

    When you are finished, click Next.

  11. In the Setting page, you can schedule backups for select namespaces. These backups are created for each cluster in the workspace.

    Like cluster backups in Palette, restoring a backup requires the source cluster to be available. When you restore a backup, the namespaces that are backed up are restored to each cluster in the workspace. If you delete a cluster from the workspace, that cluster's backup will not be restored.

    For more information about backups, refer to Backup and Restore.

  12. Lastly, you can restrict certain container images from being loaded in the namespaces that are managed by the workspace. To restrict images from being loaded by resources in a namespace, click Add New Container Image. Select a namespace you want to restrict the image in, and enter the image URLs in a comma-separated list. When you are done, click Next.

  13. Review your configurations and click Finish Configuration to create the workspace.


  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. In the drop-down Menu at the top of the page, choose the project you created the workspace in.

  3. On the left Main Menu, click Workspaces.

  4. Confirm the workspace has been created with the right configurations.