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Start Migration Plans

Follow this guide to start migration plans in the VM Migration Assistant.

Start Cold Migration Plans


  • A cold migration plan created and ready to start. Refer to Create Migration Plans for guidance.

  • One or more VMs hosted in VMware vSphere. Only VMs whose operating systems are included under virt-v2v supported guest systems can be migrated.

    • If you are migrating more than one VM in the same plan, they must all share the same network.
    • Ensure that VMs operating Windows are shut down at the virtualized OS level.

Start Cold Migration

  1. Access the VM Migration Assistant service console.

  2. From the left Main Menu, select Plans for virtualization.

  3. In the top-left corner, use the Namespace drop-down Menu to select your Kubernetes namespace for the migration.

  4. Find your plan in the table and click the plan name to view its details.

  5. Click Start migration in the top-right corner.

  6. Click Start in the pop-up window.

  7. Click on the Virtual Machines tab.

  8. In the table, view the status of the migration for each VM in the Pipeline status column. Each circle represents a stage in the migration. You can click on a circle to view additional details.

    Pipeline Status

    View additional pipeline details by clicking on the > icon next to the VM name.

    Pipeline Details


  1. Access the VM Migration Assistant service console.

  2. From the left Main Menu, select Plans for virtualization.

  3. In the top-left corner, use the Namespace drop-down Menu to select your Kubernetes namespace for the migration.

  4. In the table, click on a plan name to view the plan details.

  5. In the Details tab, the plan status displays as Successful.

  6. Log in to Palette.

  7. From the left Main Menu, select Clusters. Then, choose the VMO cluster that you migrated your VMs to. The Overview tab appears.

  8. Select the Virtual Machines tab. Then, select your migration namespace from the Namespace drop-down Menu. Your migrated VMs appear.

  9. For each migrated VM, click on the three-dot Menu and select Start. Your VMs are now ready to use.

    Start migrated VM

Start Warm Migration Plans


  • A warm migration plan created and ready to start. Refer to Create Migration Plans for guidance.

  • One or more VMs hosted in VMware vSphere. Only VMs whose operating systems are included under virt-v2v supported guest systems can be migrated.

    • If you are migrating more than one VM in the same plan, they must all share the same network.
    • Changed Block Tracking must be enabled on your VMs.
  • Terminal access to execute kubectl commands on your VMO cluster.

Start Warm Migration

  1. Access the VM Migration Assistant service console.

  2. From the left Main Menu, select Plans for virtualization.

  3. In the top-left corner, use the Namespace drop-down Menu to select your Kubernetes namespace for the migration.

  4. Find your plan in the table and click the plan name to view its details.

  5. Click Start migration in the top-right corner.

  6. Click Start in the pop-up window.

  7. Click on the Virtual Machines tab.

  8. In the table, view the status of the migration for each VM in the Pipeline status column. Each circle represents a stage in the migration. You can click on a circle to view additional details.

    Pipeline Status

    View additional pipeline details by clicking on the > icon next to the VM name.

    Pipeline Details

  9. Open a terminal session and configure access to your VMO cluster.

  10. Issue the following command to check for datavolumes in your chosen VM migration namespace.

    kubectl get datavolume --namespace <myVmMigrationNamespace>

    Example output.

    NAME                                PHASE         PROGRESS   AGE
    vm-migration-cold-vm-140860-92mwk Succeeded 100% 30m
    vm-migration-warm-vm-140852-p446x Importing 75% 20m

    The datavolume names are uniquely generated using the <planName>-<vmIdentifier>-<randomSuffix> template.

  11. Issue the following command to output the datavolume details to your terminal.

    kubectl describe datavolume <datavolumeName> --namespace <myVmMigrationNamespace>

    When the status of the volume is paused and awaiting cutover, the warm migration is ready for the final cutover.

    Example output
    Name:         vm-migration-warm-vm-140852-p446x
    Namespace: konveyor-forklift
    Labels: migration=0ef09f8f-2a96-41cb-ab72-3f7cceb7f7b5
    Annotations: true false true [vsanDatastore2] f9564467-a3c8-851c-84ff-0cc47a92e4ca/migration01_2.vmdk
    migration: 0ef09f8f-2a96-41cb-ab72-3f7cceb7f7b5
    plan: 2e663a0f-2d49-45f1-ac2d-4406d3472da2
    vmID: vm-140852
    API Version:
    Kind: DataVolume
    Creation Timestamp: 2024-11-25T12:43:50Z
    Generate Name: vm-migration-warm-vm-140852-
    Generation: 1
    Resource Version: 3534737
    UID: 83e32262-c480-4609-9029-d14fe69f65d6
    Current: snapshot-140857
    Previous: snapshot-140856
    Backing File: [vsanDatastore2] f9564467-a3c8-851c-84ff-0cc47a92e4ca/migration01_2.vmdk
    Secret Ref: vm-migration-warm-vm-140852-l9qjp
    Thumbprint: E3:95:23:08:79:A6:6B:2B:B6:82:6F:34:A7:88:85:12:11:47:5D:B2
    Uuid: 4238710f-bdda-6ede-1870-b095b1c5dbd5
    Storage: 60Gi
    Storage Class Name: spectro-storage-class
    Claim Name: vm-migration-warm-vm-140852-p446x
    Last Heartbeat Time: 2024-11-25T13:43:50Z
    Last Transition Time: 2024-11-25T13:43:50Z
    Message: Data volume paused after warm sync
    Reason: ImportPaused
    Status: True
    Type: Paused
    Last Heartbeat Time: 2024-11-25T13:43:50Z
    Last Transition Time: 2024-11-25T13:43:50Z
    Message: Warm sync completed successfully; awaiting cutover
    Reason: SyncComplete
    Status: True
    Type: Succeeded
    Current: 59Gi
    Total: 60Gi
    Type Reason Age From Message
    ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
    Normal WarmSyncStarted 25m datavolume-controller Warm sync started for the VM
    Normal WarmSyncComplete 10m datavolume-controller Warm sync completed; awaiting cutover
    Warning Paused 5m datavolume-controller Data volume paused; awaiting migration cutover
  12. Return to the VM Migration Assistant.

  13. On the Virtual Machines tab for your plan, click the Actions drop-down Menu in the top-right corner.

  14. Click Cutover.

  15. In the pop-up window, click on the calendar icon and select a cutover date in the calendar. Next, click on the clock icon and select a cutover time from the drop-down Menu.

  16. Click Set cutover once complete.

When the cutover is initiated, the source VM is powered off, and a final synchronization of remaining disk changes is completed. The target VM is then created and powered on on the destination VMO cluster.


  1. Access the VM Migration Assistant service console.

  2. From the left Main Menu, select Plans for virtualization.

  3. In the top-left corner, use the Namespace drop-down Menu to select your Kubernetes namespace for the migration.

  4. In the table, click on a plan name to view the plan details.

  5. In the Details tab, the plan status displays as Successful.

  6. Log in to Palette.

  7. From the left Main Menu, select Clusters. Then, choose the VMO cluster that you migrated your VMs to. The Overview tab appears.

  8. Select the Virtual Machines tab. Then, select your migration namespace from the Namespace drop-down Menu. Your migrated VMs appear with a Running status.
