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Create Migration Plans

Follow this guide to create migration plans using the VM Migration Assistant.


  • You can only migrate VMs hosted in VMware vSphere 7.0 and 8.0.
  • Only VMs whose operating systems are included under virt-v2v supported guest systems can be migrated.


  • At least one source provider for the VMs to be migrated. Refer to Create Source Providers for guidance.

  • A healthy Virtual Machine Orchestrator (VMO) cluster. Refer to the Create a VMO Profile for further guidance.

    • The VMO cluster must have network connectivity to vCenter and ESXi hosts, and the VMs you want to migrate.

    If you need to provision Block storage volumes during the VM migration process, add the following custom configuration to your VMO cluster OS pack. Applying this configuration may cause a cluster repave. For more information, refer to Repave Behaviors and Configurations

    Additionally, we recommend provisioning volumes with the ReadWriteMany access mode to ensure that VMs can be live migrated.

    # Start containerd with new configuration
    - systemctl daemon-reload
    - systemctl restart containerd
    - targetPath: /etc/containerd/config.toml
    targetOwner: "root:root"
    targetPermissions: "0644"
    content: |
    ## template: jinja

    # Use config version 2 to enable new configuration fields.
    version = 2

    imports = ["/etc/containerd/conf.d/*.toml"]

    sandbox_image = ""
    device_ownership_from_security_context = true
    runtime_type = "io.containerd.runc.v2"
    SystemdCgroup = true
  • One or more VMs hosted in VMware vSphere. Only VMs whose operating systems are included under virt-v2v supported guest systems can be migrated.

    • If you are migrating more than one VM in the same plan, they must all share the same network.
    • For cold migrations, ensure that VMs operating Windows are shut down at the guest OS level.
    • For warm migrations, Changed Block Tracking must be enabled on your VMs.
  • The Virtual Machine Migration Assistant pack must be added to your cluster profile. Refer to Create a VM Migration Assistant Cluster Profile for guidance.

    • The VM Migration Assistant service console must be accessible from a web browser.
  • We recommend using a ConfigMap to uninstall VMware Tools, and install the QEMU Guest Agent and VirtiIO drivers on your migrated VMs. Installing the QEMU agent and Virtio drivers enhances compatibility with VMO, and enables advanced features like live migration and accurate reporting of guest status.

    You can provide virt-customize scripts inside a ConfigMap to automatically perform these actions on your VMs during migration. The ConfigMap must exist in your target namespace before migrating your VMs.

    Example steps to create a ConfigMap that deploys virt-customize scripts
    1. Use the following example to create a YAML file named configmap.yaml.

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
      name: forklift-virt-customize
      namespace: my-vm-migration-namespace
      data: |

      set -eo pipefail

      # Global variables

      # Logging function
      log() {
      echo "[$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')] $*" | tee -a "$LOGFILE"

      # Function to detect the Linux distribution
      detect_distro() {
      if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
      . /etc/os-release
      echo "$ID"
      elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then
      . /etc/lsb-release
      echo "$DISTRIB_ID" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'
      elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
      echo "rhel"
      echo "unknown"

      # Function to detect the system architecture
      detect_arch() {
      uname -m

      # Function to set package manager variables
      set_package_manager() {
      case "$distro" in
      PKG_UPDATE="$PKG_MANAGER update"
      PKG_INSTALL="$PKG_MANAGER install -y"
      PKG_REMOVE="$PKG_MANAGER remove -y"
      PKG_QUERY="dpkg -l"
      if command -v dnf >/dev/null; then
      PKG_UPDATE="$PKG_MANAGER makecache"
      PKG_INSTALL="$PKG_MANAGER install -y"
      PKG_REMOVE="$PKG_MANAGER remove -y"
      PKG_QUERY="rpm -q"
      PKG_UPDATE="$PKG_MANAGER refresh"
      PKG_INSTALL="$PKG_MANAGER install -y"
      PKG_REMOVE="$PKG_MANAGER remove -y"
      PKG_QUERY="rpm -q"
      PKG_INSTALL="$PKG_MANAGER -S --noconfirm"
      PKG_REMOVE="$PKG_MANAGER -Rns --noconfirm"
      PKG_QUERY="pacman -Q"
      log "Error: Unsupported distribution"
      exit 1

      # Function to get distribution-specific package names
      get_package_name() {
      local generic_name="$1"
      case "$distro" in
      case "$generic_name" in
      qemu-guest-agent) echo "qemu-guest-agent" ;;
      virtio-tools) echo "virtio-win" ;;
      open-vm-tools) echo "open-vm-tools" ;;
      cloud-init) echo "cloud-init" ;;
      *) echo "$generic_name" ;;
      case "$generic_name" in
      qemu-guest-agent) echo "qemu-guest-agent" ;;
      virtio-tools) echo "virtio-win" ;;
      open-vm-tools) echo "open-vm-tools" ;;
      cloud-init) echo "cloud-init" ;;
      *) echo "$generic_name" ;;
      case "$generic_name" in
      qemu-guest-agent) echo "qemu-guest-agent" ;;
      virtio-tools) echo "virtio-drivers" ;;
      open-vm-tools) echo "open-vm-tools" ;;
      cloud-init) echo "cloud-init" ;;
      *) echo "$generic_name" ;;
      case "$generic_name" in
      qemu-guest-agent) echo "qemu-guest-agent" ;;
      virtio-tools) echo "linux-virtio" ;;
      open-vm-tools) echo "open-vm-tools" ;;
      cloud-init) echo "cloud-init" ;;
      *) echo "$generic_name" ;;

      # Function to update package manager repositories
      update_repos() {
      if [ "$DRYRUN" = true ]; then
      log "Dry run: Would update package repositories"
      log "Updating package repositories..."
      if $PKG_UPDATE; then
      log "Package repositories updated successfully"
      log "Error: Failed to update package repositories"
      exit 1

      # Function to install packages
      install_package() {
      local package=$(get_package_name "$1")
      if [ -z "$PKG_MANAGER" ]; then
      log "Error: Package manager not set"
      return 1
      if [ "$DRYRUN" = true ]; then
      log "Dry run: Would install $package"
      log "Installing $package..."
      if $PKG_INSTALL "$package"; then
      log "$package installed successfully"
      log "Error: Failed to install $package"
      return 1

      # Function to check if a package is installed
      is_installed() {
      local package=$(get_package_name "$1")
      $PKG_QUERY "$package" >/dev/null 2>&1

      # Function to handle Virtio drivers
      handle_virtio_drivers() {
      if lsmod | grep -qE "virtio_net|virtio_blk|virtio_scsi"; then
      log "Virtio drivers are already installed and active."
      log "Virtio drivers are not loaded. Attempting to install..."
      if ! install_package virtio-tools; then
      log "No separate virtio-tools package available. Virtio may be built into the kernel."
      if [ "$DRYRUN" = false ]; then
      modprobe virtio_net virtio_blk virtio_scsi || log "Failed to load Virtio modules"
      log "Dry run: Would attempt to load Virtio modules"

      # Function to handle QEMU guest agent
      handle_qemu_agent() {
      local package=$(get_package_name "qemu-guest-agent")
      if is_installed "$package"; then
      log "QEMU guest agent is already installed."
      if [ "$DRYRUN" = false ]; then
      if systemctl is-active --quiet qemu-guest-agent; then
      log "QEMU guest agent service is running."
      log "Starting QEMU guest agent service..."
      systemctl start qemu-guest-agent || log "Failed to start QEMU guest agent service"
      log "Dry run: Would check and potentially start QEMU guest agent service"
      log "QEMU guest agent is not installed. Installing..."
      if install_package "$package"; then
      if [ "$DRYRUN" = false ]; then
      log "Starting QEMU guest agent service..."
      systemctl start qemu-guest-agent || log "Failed to start QEMU guest agent service"
      log "Dry run: Would start QEMU guest agent service"

      # Function to handle VMware Tools daemon (vmtoolsd)
      handle_vmtoolsd() {
      local package=$(get_package_name "open-vm-tools")
      if is_installed "$package"; then
      log "VMware Tools daemon (vmtoolsd) is installed."
      if [ "$DRYRUN" = false ]; then
      if pgrep -f vmware-vmx > /dev/null; then
      log "Warning: VMware virtual machines are running. Skipping uninstallation."
      log "Uninstalling VMware Tools daemon..."
      if $PKG_REMOVE "$package"; then
      log "VMware Tools daemon uninstalled successfully."
      log "Error: Failed to uninstall VMware Tools daemon."
      log "Dry run: Would uninstall VMware Tools daemon"
      log "VMware Tools daemon (vmtoolsd) is not installed."

      # Function to handle Cloud-init
      handle_cloud_init() {
      local package=$(get_package_name "cloud-init")
      if is_installed "$package"; then
      log "Cloud-init is already installed."
      if [ "$DRYRUN" = false ]; then
      if systemctl is-active --quiet cloud-init; then
      log "Cloud-init service is running."
      log "Starting Cloud-init service..."
      systemctl start cloud-init || log "Failed to start Cloud-init service"
      log "Dry run: Would check and potentially start Cloud-init service"
      log "Cloud-init is not installed. Installing..."
      if install_package "$package"; then
      if [ "$DRYRUN" = false ]; then
      log "Starting Cloud-init service..."
      systemctl start cloud-init || log "Failed to start Cloud-init service"
      log "Dry run: Would start Cloud-init service"

      # Function to check if running in a virtual environment
      check_virtual_env() {
      if [ -d /proc/vz ]; then
      log "OpenVZ environment detected"
      return 0
      elif [ -d /proc/xen ]; then
      log "Xen environment detected"
      return 0
      elif [ "$(systemd-detect-virt)" != "none" ]; then
      log "Virtual environment detected: $(systemd-detect-virt)"
      return 0
      log "No virtual environment detected"
      return 1

      # Parse command line options
      parse_options() {
      while getopts ":hvqd" opt; do
      case ${opt} in
      h )
      echo "Usage: $0 [-h] [-v] [-q] [-d]"
      echo " -h Display this help message"
      echo " -v Verbose mode"
      echo " -q Quiet mode"
      echo " -d Dry run"
      exit 0
      v )
      set -x
      q )
      exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1
      d )
      \? )
      echo "Invalid Option: -$OPTARG" 1>&2
      exit 1
      shift $((OPTIND -1))

      # Main script
      main() {
      parse_options "$@"

      log "Detecting system information..."

      log "Detected distribution: $distro"
      log "Detected architecture: $arch"

      if [ "$distro" = "unknown" ]; then
      log "Unable to detect distribution. Please proceed manually."
      exit 1


      if ! check_virtual_env; then
      log "Warning: This script is intended for virtual environments. Proceed with caution."

      log "Ensuring package manager repositories are up to date..."

      log "Handling Virtio drivers..."

      log "Handling QEMU guest agent..."

      log "Handling VMware Tools daemon (vmtoolsd)..."

      log "Handling Cloud-init..."

      log "All tasks completed."

      main "$@" |
      echo "running a run script. nothing to do"

      00_win_firstboot.ps1: |
      param (
      [string]$LogFile = "C:\vm_tools\installation-check.log",
      [switch]$VerboseOutput = $false

      # Function to log and write output
      function Write-Log {
      param (
      Write-Output $Message
      Add-Content -Path $LogFile -Value $Message

      # Create or clear log file
      if (Test-Path $LogFile) {
      Clear-Content -Path $LogFile
      } else {
      New-Item -Path $LogFile -ItemType File -Force

      # Check for VirtIO Drivers
      Write-Log "Checking for VirtIO Drivers..."
      $VirtIODrivers = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PnPSignedDriver | Where-Object {
      $_.DeviceName -like "*VirtIO*" -or $_.DriverProviderName -like "*Red Hat*"
      if ($VirtIODrivers) {
      Write-Log "VirtIO Drivers are installed."
      } else {
      Write-Log "VirtIO Drivers are NOT installed."

      # Check for QEMU Agent
      Write-Log "Checking for QEMU Guest Agent..."
      $QemuAgentInstalled = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {
      $_.Name -like "*QEMU*"
      if ($QemuAgentInstalled) {
      Write-Log "QEMU Guest Agent is installed."
      } else {
      Write-Log "QEMU Guest Agent is NOT installed."

      # Check for VMware Tools (vmtoolsd)
      Write-Log "Checking for VMware Tools (vmtoolsd)..."
      $VmToolsInstalled = Get-Command -Name "vmtoolsd.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
      if ($VmToolsInstalled) {
      Write-Log "VMware Tools (vmtoolsd) is installed."
      } else {
      Write-Log "VMware Tools (vmtoolsd) is NOT installed."

      # Verbose Output
      if ($VerboseOutput) {
      Get-Content -Path $LogFile

      Write-Log "Check completed. Log saved to $LogFile."
    2. Make any changes that you need, but ensure that is set to forklift-virt-customize, and metadata.namespace is set to your target VM migration namespace.

      Format rules:

      • Windows scripts must follow the regex ^([0-9]+_win_firstboot(([\w\-]*).ps1))$.
        • For example, 00_win_firstboot.ps1 is a PowerShell script that executes at boot.
      • Linux scripts must follow the regex ^([0-9]+_linux_(run|firstboot)(([\w\-]*).sh))$.
        • firstboot means execute at first boot.
        • run means execute after virt-v2v conversion, but before the VM starts.
      • The number at the beginning of the key determines the script execution order.
    3. Ensure that your terminal is configured to access your VMO cluster and issue the following command to create the ConfigMap on your cluster.

      kubectl apply --filename configmap.yaml

Create Migration Plan

  1. Access the VM Migration Assistant service console.

  2. From the left Main Menu, select Plans for virtualization.

  3. In the top-left corner, use the Namespace drop-down Menu to select your Kubernetes namespace for the migration.

  4. In the top-right corner, click Create Plan.

  5. Click on your source provider to select it, the Select virtual machines table appears.

  6. For each VM that you want to migrate, click the checkbox next to the VM name. You can use the filters at the top of the table to help you search.

  7. Once you have selected your VMs, click Next.

  8. Fill in the migration plan details.

    Plan nameA unique name for your migration plan.myMigrationPlan
    Target providerSelect the target provider from the drop-down Menu. By default, this will be your VMO
    Target namespaceSelect the target namespace from the drop-down Menu. The target namespace is where the migrated VMs will be located on your VMO cluster.myVmMigrationNamespace
    Network mapA network map defines the mapping of source networks to target networks, ensuring VM network interfaces are correctly connected in the destination environment. Adjust the mapping, or leave the default mapping in place.VM Network / Pod Networking
    Storage mapA storage map defines the mapping of source storage domains to target storage classes or datastores, ensuring VM disks are correctly placed in the destination environment. Adjust the mapping, or leave the default mapping in place.vsanDatastore / spectro-storage-class
    Preserve static IPsChoose whether to preserve the static IPs of the VMs migrated from vSphere.
  9. Click Create migration plan. The Details tab for the plan is then displayed.

  10. Review the Details tab and check that the following settings are configured to your requirements.

    If you need to change a setting, click the pencil icon next to each value and adjust it in the pop-up window. Click Save after making changes.

    Warm migrationChoose whether this will be a warm or cold migration. A cold migration is when VMs are shut down at the start of migration. A warm migration is when VMs are shut down during the final switchover.
    Target namespaceThe target namespace for the migrated VMs.
    Disk decryption passphrasesProvide a list of passphrases for LUKS-encrypted devices on the VMs you intend to migrate.
    Transfer NetworkChange the migration transfer network for this plan. If a migration transfer network is defined for the source provider and exists in the target namespace, it is used by default. Otherwise, the pod network is used.
    Preserve static IPsChoose whether to preserve the static IPs of the VMs migrated from vSphere.
    Root deviceChoose the root filesystem to convert. By default, the first root device is chosen in multi-boot systems. You can specify a root device, for example, /dev/sda1, for multi-boot systems, but if it is not detected as a root device, the migration will fail.

    If you want to explore all additional plan settings, refer to the Additional Configuration - Plan Settings for guidance.


  1. Access the VM Migration Assistant service console.

  2. From the left Main Menu, select Plans for virtualization.

  3. In the top-left corner, use the Namespace drop-down Menu to select your Kubernetes namespace for the migration.

  4. In the table, click on a plan name to view the plan details.

  5. In the Details tab, the plan status displays as Ready.

    Plan Ready Status

Next Steps

You can now start your migration plans in the VM Migration Assistant. Refer to the Start Migration Plans guide to start migrations.
