Uninstall VerteX
To uninstall VerteX from your cluster, you need to uninstall VerteX management plane and Cert Manager. Optionally, you may have installed Image Swap and Reach system, which also need to be uninstalled. This uninstall process applies to both connected and airgap instances of self-hosted VerteX.
This uninstallation process only applies to VerteX instances installed using Helm charts. If you used the Palette CLI to install VerteX, this process does not apply.
An active self-hosted VerteX instance.
Access to the Kubernetes cluster where VerteX is deployed.
Permissions to perform delete actions on all relevant cluster resources.
Helm is installed and available on your host machine.
kubectl is installed and available on your host machine.
Uninstall VerteX
Ensure you are using the appropriate context where VerteX is deployed.
kubectl config current-context
Issue the following command to start uninstalling the Vertex management plane. This will only remove the resources managed by Helm and the remaining resources will require additional manual intervention.
helm uninstall hubble
Issue the following command to remove the namespace and custom resource definitions related to Vertex management plane.
kubectl delete namespace hubble-system || kubectl delete crd spectroclusteractions.jet.cluster.spectrocloud.com
Issue the following command to uninstall Cert Manager. Cert Manager does not reply on any Helm hooks and the Helm uninstall command will uninstall all related resources.
helm uninstall cert-manager
(Optional) If you installed Reach, issue the following command to start uninstalling Reach. This will remove all resources related to Reach that are managed by Helm. However, some resources created by Helm hooks are not managed by Helm and will require additional manual intervention to remove.
helm uninstall reach-system
(Optional) Issue the following commands to remove the remaining Reach system resources.
kubectl delete ns reach-system
kubectl delete crd podpresets.reach.spectrocloud.com clusterpodpresets.reach.spectrocloud.com
kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration reach-mutating-webhook-configuration
kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration reach-validating-webhook-configuration
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding reach-manager-rolebinding
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding reach-proxy-rolebinding
kubectl delete clusterrole reach-manager-role
kubectl delete clusterrole reach-metrics-reader
kubectl delete clusterrole reach-proxy-role -
(Optional) If you installed Image Swap, issue the following command to remove the
chart.helm uninstall image-swap
(Optional) Issue the following commands to remove the remaining resources related to
.kubectl delete ns imageswap-system
kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration imageswap-webhook
kubectl delete csr imageswap.imageswap-system.cert-request
Connect to your cluster via kubectl.
Issue the following command to get a list of the remaining namespaces. Confirm that all VerteX-related namespaces have been deleted.
kubectl get namespaces
Issue the following command to confirm that all charts have been uninstalled.
helm ls
Issue the following command to retrieve all resources in your cluster across all namespaces. Confirm that no VerteX-related resources are remaining.
kubectl get all --all-namespaces