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All actions in Palette are controlled by permissions. Permissions are assigned to roles, and roles are assigned to users or teams. Each Palette component has a corresponding resource key and a set of operations that can be performed on that component.

Palette components are managed at different scopes. The available scopes are Tenant and Project. The Tenant scope is global and applies to all projects within the tenant. The Project scope is specific to a project.

Components and Resource Keys

The following table lists the available Palette components, their corresponding resource keys, and the applicable Role scopes you can assign permissions to.

ComponentResource KeyTenant Role ScopeProject Role ScopeResource Role ScopeDescription
API KeyapiKeyAPI Key related operations
AuditauditAudit log access
App DeploymentappDeploymentApplication deployment and management in the context of Palette Dev Engine
App ProfileappProfileManagement of Application profiles
Cloud AccountcloudaccountCloud account creation and management
Cloud ConfigcloudconfigCluster level cloud configuration
ClusterclusterCreation and management of Palette workload clusters
Cluster PairclusterPairManagement of cluster pairing requests.
Cluster GroupclusterGroupCreation and management of cluster groups
Cluster ProfileclusterProfileCreation and management of Palette cluster profiles
DNS MappingdnsMappingDomain Name Server mapping services creation and management
Edge HostedgehostEdge host deployment and management
Edge Host TokenedgeTokenEdge host registration token management
FilterfilterCreation and management of resource filters
LocationlocationLocation services related to backup and restore
MacromacroKey value management for Palette resources
MachinemachinePalette node pool management
Private GatewayprivateGatewayPrivate Cloud Gateway creation and maintenance
RegistrypackRegistryCreation and management of registries
RoleroleCreation and management of Palette roles
ProjectprojectCreation and management of Palette projects
TagtagCreation and management of tags
TeamteamCreation and management of user teams
UseruserCreation and management of users
Virtual Cloud ConfigvirtualCloudConfigAllows the user to deploy and manage applications in virtual clusters
Virtual ClustervirtualClusterCreation and management of virtual clusters
Virtual MachinevirtualMachineCreation and management of virtual machines
WorkspaceworkspaceWorkspace operations including backup and restore


To review the operations that can be performed on each component, click on the Palette component name below to display the list of operations.