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Palette Dev Engine (PDE)

Use the following content to help you troubleshoot issues you may encounter when using Palette Dev Engine (PDE).

Resource Requests

All Cluster Groups are configured with a default LimitRange. The LimitRange configuration is in the Cluster Group's Virtual Cluster configuration section. Packs deployed to a virtual cluster should have the resources: section defined in the values.yaml file. Pack authors must specify the requests and limits or omit the section entirely to let the system manage the resources.

If you specify requests but not limits, the default limits imposed by the LimitRange will likely be lower than the requests, causing the following error.

Invalid value: "300m": must be less than or equal to CPU limit spec.containers[0].resources.requests: Invalid value: "512Mi": must be less than or equal to memory limit

The workaround is to define both the requests and limits.

Scenario - Controller Manager Pod Not Upgraded

If the palette-controller-manager pod for a virtual cluster is not upgraded after a Palette platform upgrade, use the following steps to resolve the issue.

Debug Steps

  1. Ensure you can connect to the host cluster using the cluster's kubeconfig file. Refer to the Access Cluster with CLI guide for additional guidance.

  2. Identify the namespace where the virtual cluster is active. Use the virtual cluster's ID to identify the correct namespace. Use the following to extract the namespace. Make sure you get the correct namespace for the virtual cluster and not the main host cluster namespace.

    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep cluster-management-agent

    In this example, the virtual cluster ID is 666c92d18b802543a124513d.

    cluster-666c89f28b802503dc8542d3   cluster-management-agent-f766467f4-8prd6     1/1     Running     1 (29m ago)   30m
    cluster-666c92d18b802543a124513d cluster-management-agent-f766467f4-8v577 1/1 Running 0 4m13s

    You can find the virtual cluster ID in the URL when you access the virtual cluster in the Palette UI. From the left Main Menu, click on Cluster Groups and select the cluster group hosting your virtual cluster. Click on the virtual cluster name to access the virtual cluster. The URL will contain the virtual cluster ID.

  3. Scale down the cluster-management-agent deployment to 0. Replace <namespace> with the namespace of the virtual cluster.

    kubectl scale deployment cluster-management-agent --replicas=0 --namespace <namespace>
    deployment.apps/cluster-management-agent scaled
  4. Edit the palette-controller-manager deployment and under the resources section for the manager and atop add the ephemeral-storage field and the 1Gi value.

    name: manager
    ephemeral-storage: 1Gi
    name: atop-manager
    ephemeral-storage: 1Gi

    You can use the following command to edit the deployment. Press i to enter insert mode, make the necessary changes, and then press Esc followed by :wq to save and exit.

    kubectl edit deployment palette-controller-manager --namespace <namespace>
    deployment.apps/palette-controller-manager edited
  5. Wait for the new palette-manager pod to become healthy and active.

  6. Scale up the cluster-management-agent deployment to 1. Replace <namespace> with the namespace of the virtual cluster.

    kubectl scale deployment cluster-management-agent --replicas=1 --namespace <namespace>
    deployment.apps/cluster-management-agent scaled

Scenario - Apply Host Cluster Resource Limits to Virtual Cluster

If you encounter Out-of-Memory (OOM) errors for the Palette agent pod inside a virtual cluster, it may be due to default resource limits set in the Cluster Group's Virtual Cluster configuration. By default, virtual clusters are limited to half the resources of the host cluster. If you need to override the resource limits for a virtual cluster, and use the host cluster's default resource limits, follow the steps below.

Debug Steps

  1. Open a terminal and connect to the host cluster using the cluster's kubeconfig file. Refer to the Access Cluster with CLI guide for additional guidance.

  2. Create an empty ConfigMap. Use the following command to create the ConfigMap in the jet-system namespace.

    cat <<EOF > skip-palette-patch.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    name: skip-palette-patch
    namespace: jet-system
    data: {}
  3. Issue the following command to apply the ConfigMap to the host cluster.

    kubectl apply --filename=skip-palette-patch.yaml
  4. Repeat step one through three for each host cluster that makes up the Cluster Group.

Scenario - Adjust Virtual Clusters Limits Before Palette Upgrades

Palette upgrades on K3s virtual clusters may get stuck if the cluster does not have enough resources to accommodate additional pods. Ensure that your cluster has 1 CPU, 1 GiB of memory, and 1 GiB storage of free resources before commencing an upgrade. Use the following steps to adjust the resource limits of a virtual cluster.

Debug Steps

  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. Select Cluster Groups from the left Main Menu. The list of cluster groups appears.

  3. Select the Virtual Clusters tab. Next, select one of your virtual clusters.

  4. Click Settings. Then, select Cluster Settings. The Settings pane appears.

  5. Select the Cluster Size tab. Make a note of the CPU, memory, and storage allocation indicated in their respective fields. Close the Settings pane once you are done reviewing the resources.

  6. Click on the host cluster link in the Host Cluster field. The cluster Overview tab appears.

  7. Download the kubeconfig file for your cluster. Open a terminal and navigate to the location of the file.

  8. Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to the file path of the kubeconfig file to enable you to connect to it using kubectl CLI. Refer to the Access Cluster with CLI section for further guidance.

    export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/your/kubeconfig
  9. Execute the following commands to find the CPU and memory usage of all the pods deployed to your virtual cluster. This gives you an approximation of the resource usage in your virtual cluster.

    virtual_cluster_namespace=$(kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --no-headers | grep '^.*\svirtual-cluster' | awk '{print $1}')
    kubectl top pods --namespace $virtual_cluster_namespace

    The output will be similar to the following snippet.

    NAME                                                             CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
    capvc-controller-manager-85d7556d5c-49vh2 2m 17Mi
    cluster-management-agent-7bffcc7c76-529tl 7m 45Mi
    coredns-76699fd4f5-7vpkl-x-kube-system-x-virtual-cluster-cetus 2m 14Mi
    palette-controller-manager-6d55b49c54-pmp8s 12m 80Mi
    virtual-cluster-cetus-0 36m 389Mi
  10. Compare your CPU and memory usage to the virtual cluster allocations that you made note of earlier in step five. Your cluster should have 1 CPU, 1 GiB of memory, and 1 GiB of storage free before commencing an upgrade. If your cluster requires further resources and your virtual cluster allocation is at the limit, you can increase your virtual cluster limits.

  11. Navigate back to the Palette UI. In the left Main Menu, select Cluster Groups . The list of cluster groups appears.

  12. Select the cluster group corresponding to your virtual cluster. Click on Settings in the top right-hand corner. The Cluster Group Settings pane appears.

  13. Select the Settings tab. You can adjust the CPU, memory, and storage limits according to your requirements from the Virtual Clusters Limits section. Alternatively, you can disable limits entirely by changing the isolation.resourceQuota.enabled YAML value to false. Click Save Changes. Close the Settings pane.

  14. Select the Virtual Clusters tab. From the clusters list, choose the virtual cluster you have been analyzing.

  15. Click Settings. Next, select Cluster Settings. The Settings pane appears.

  16. Select the Cluster Size tab. You can then resize the cluster size to ensure there is 1 CPU, 1 GiB of memory, and 1 GiB storage of free resources.

  17. Repeat steps one through 16 for each virtual cluster.