Nodes and Clusters
This page covers common debugging scenarios for nodes and clusters after they have been deployed.
Scenario - Repaved Nodes
Palette performs a rolling upgrade on nodes when it detects a change in the kubeadm
config. Below are some actions
that cause the kubeadm
configuration to change and result in nodes being upgraded:
- OS layer changes
- Kubernetes layer changes
- Kubernetes version upgrade
- Kubernetes control plane upsize
- Machine pool updates for disk size
- Changes in availability zones
- Changes in instance types
Logs are provided in Palette for traceability. However, these logs may be lost when the pods are relaunched. To ensure
that the cause and context is persisted across repaving, refer to the status.upgrades: []
field in the in the
object in the /v1/dashboard/spectroclusters/:uid/overview
The following example shows the status.upgrades
field for a cluster that had Kubernetes configuration changes that
resulted in a node repave. The API payload is incomplete for brevity.
"upgrades": [
"reason": [
"{v1beta1.KubeadmConfigSpec}.ClusterConfiguration.APIServer.ControlPlaneComponent.ExtraArgs[\"oidc-client-id\"] changed from <invalid reflect.Value> to xxxxxxxxxxx",
"{v1beta1.KubeadmConfigSpec}.ClusterConfiguration.APIServer.ControlPlaneComponent.ExtraArgs[\"oidc-groups-claim\"] changed from <invalid reflect.Value> to groups",
"{v1beta1.KubeadmConfigSpec}.ClusterConfiguration.APIServer.ControlPlaneComponent.ExtraArgs[\"oidc-issuer-url\"] changed from <invalid reflect.Value> to",
"{v1beta1.KubeadmConfigSpec}.ClusterConfiguration.APIServer.ControlPlaneComponent.ExtraArgs[\"oidc-username-claim\"] changed from <invalid reflect.Value> to email"
"timestamp": "2023-09-18T19:49:33.000Z"
For detailed information, review the cluster upgrades page.
Scenario - Incorrect LoadBalancer kubernetes
Created by Azure Cloud Controller Manager
The cloud-controller-manager
introduced in Azure Kubernetes v.1.29.x can make your existing external service IP
inaccessible. This issue occurs because cloud-controller-manager
creates a default load balancer named kubernetes
and an associated public IP, which conflicts with the existing network configuration.
While this issue has been resolved for Palette-managed Azure clusters, you need to manually delete the incorrectly
created kubernetes
load balancer and the associated public IP address from the Azure resource group to which your
cluster was deployed.
Debug Steps
Open a terminal session and use the following command to authenticate your Azure CLI session.
az login
Use the following command to list load balancers in the resource group to which your cluster was deployed and locate the
load network lb list --resource-group <resource-group> --output table
Location Name ProvisioningState ResourceGroup ResourceGuid
---------- ----------------------------- ------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------------
eastus docs-azure-k8s-1-29 Succeeded palette-tutorials b375387f-0549-4186-9d47-f2607064b51b
eastus docs-azure-k8s-1-29-public-lb Succeeded palette-tutorials 0b7a9738-1caf-46bd-b334-0f34dd736fad
eastus kubernetes Succeeded palette-tutorials e78e47d8-bda5-4f0b-a694-b41443b2b2f5 -
Use the following command to delete the
load network lb delete --name kubernetes --resource-group <resource-group>
Use the following command to list public IP addresses in the resource group to which your cluster was deployed and locate the
load network public-ip list --resource-group <resource-group> --output table
Name ResourceGroup Location Zones Address IdleTimeoutInMinutes ProvisioningState
------------------------------------------- ----------------- ---------- ------- ------------- ---------------------- -------------------
pip-docs-azure-k8s-1-29-apiserver palette-tutorials eastus 123 4 Succeeded
pip-docs-azure-k8s-1-29-node-outbound palette-tutorials eastus 312 4 Succeeded
kubernetes-a98181bf0e90b4425b80d11c21ba766f palette-tutorials eastus 231 4 Succeeded -
Use the following command to delete the
public network public-ip delete --name kubernetes-<hash> --resource-group <resource-group>
Scenario - vSphere Cluster and Stale ARP Table
Sometimes vSphere clusters encounter issues where nodes with an assigned Virtual IP Address (VIP) cannot contact the node with a VIP. The problem is caused by Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries becoming stale on non-VIP nodes.
To minimize this situation, vSphere clusters deployed through Palette now have a daemon set that cleans the ARP entry cache every five minutes. The cleaning process forces the nodes to periodically re-request an ARP entry of the VIP node. This is done automatically without any user action.
You can verify the cleaning process by issuing the following command on non-VIP nodes and observing that the ARP cache is never older than 300 seconds.
watch ip -statistics neighbour
EKS Cluster Worker Pool Failures
If your EKS cluster worker pool ends up in Failed
, Create Failed
or Error nodes failed to join
state, refer to the
Amazon EKS
for troubleshooting guidance.
Palette Agents Workload Payload Size Issue
A cluster comprised of many nodes can create a situation where the workload report data the agent sends to Palette exceeds the 1 MB threshold and fails to deliver the messages. If the agent encounters too many workload report deliveries, the agent container may transition into a CrashLoopBackOff state.
If you encounter this scenario, you can configure the cluster to stop sending workload reports to Palette. To disable the workload report feature, create a configMap with the following configuration. Use a cluster profile manifest layer to create the configMap.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: palette-agent-config
namespace: "cluster-{{ .spectro.system.cluster.uid }}"
feature.workloads: disable
OS Patch Fails
When conducting OS Patching, sometimes the patching process can time out and fail. This issue is due to some OS patches requiring GRUB packages. GRUB updates often require user prompts, and if a user prompt is required during the OS patching process, the patching process will fail.
Debug Steps
To resolve this issue, use the following steps:
Log in to Palette.
From left Main Menu, select Clusters.
Select the cluster that is experiencing the issue and click on its row to access the cluster details page.
From the cluster details page, select the Nodes tab.
Click on a cluster node to access its details page. Review the network information, such as the subnet and the network the node is in.
Log in to the infrastructure provider console and acquire the node IP address.
SSH into one of the cluster nodes and issue the following command.
rm /var/cache/debconf/config.dat && \
dpkg --configure -a -
A prompt may appear asking you to select the boot device. Select the appropriate boot device and press Enter.
tipIf you are unsure of the boot device, use a disk utility such as
to identify the boot device. Below is an example of usinglsblk
to identify the boot device. The output is abbreviated for brevity.lsblk --output NAME,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT
fd0 disk
loop0 loop /snap/core20/1974
loop10 loop /snap/snapd/20092
loop11 loop /snap/snapd/20290
sda disk
├─sda1 part /
├─sda14 part
└─sda15 part /boot/efi
sr0 romThe highlighted line displays the boot device. In this example, the boot device is
, mounted at/boot/efi
. The boot device may be different for your node. -
Repeat the previous step for all nodes in the cluster.
OS Patch Fails on AWS with Microk8s 1.27
If OS patching fails on an AWS cluster with Microk8s 1.27, use the following debug steps to resolve the issue.
Debug Steps
Log in to Palette.
Navigate to the left Main Menu and select Clusters.
Select the cluster that is experiencing the issue and click on its row to access the cluster details page.
From the cluster details page, select the Nodes tab.
Click on a cluster node to access its details page. Review the network information, such as the subnet and the network the node is in.
Log in to the infrastructure provider console and acquire the node IP address.
SSH into one of the cluster nodes
Find out the partition name to which
is mounted with the following command.mount | grep /boot/efi
The command produces output similar to the following.
/dev/xvda15 on /boot/efi type vfat (rw,relatime,fmask=0077,dmask=0077,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro)
The name of the partition is the partition at the start of the line before
on /boot/efi
Issue the following command. Replace
with the name of the partition.grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi <partition-name> --force
Issue the following commands.
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Scenario - Remove Deprecated Cloud Providers
If you want to remove unsupported Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) for deprecated cloud providers in your Kubernetes workload cluster, you can follow the steps below.
Debug Steps
Open a terminal session that has kubectl installed.
Set up your terminal session to use the kubeconfig file for your Kubernetes workload cluster. You can find the kubeconfig for your cluster in the Palette UI by visiting the cluster's details page. Check out the Access Cluster with CLI guide for guidance on how to set up your terminal session to use the kubeconfig file.
Issue the following command to list the CRDs in your target cluster.
kubectl get crd
Identify the CRDs for the deprecated cloud providers you want to remove. For example, to remove the Tencent Cloud CRD, issue the following command.
kubectl delete crd
Once the CRD is removed, it will not be recreated by Palette.
Scenario - Remove Deprecated NATS Namespace
Palette's internal message communication between components transitioned from using Neural Autonomous Transport System
(NATS) to gRPC with version 4.0. As a result, clusters with Palette agents older than version 4.0 may have leftover NATS
resources. Manually delete the nats-system
namespace to remove any remaining NATS-related resources.
Debug Steps
Open a terminal session that has kubectl installed.
Set up your terminal session to use the kubeconfig file for your Kubernetes workload cluster. You can find the kubeconfig for your cluster in the Palette UI by visiting the cluster's details page. Check out the Access Cluster with CLI guide for guidance on how to set up your terminal session to use the kubeconfig file.
Issue the following command to list the namespaces in your cluster.
kubectl get namespaces
Remove the
namespace.kubectl delete namespaces nats-system