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Vulnerability Management

Our proactive and comprehensive vulnerability management program includes continuously monitoring, identifying, communicating, and remediating vulnerabilities in our products, including vulnerabilities that originate in third-party components or open source components.

Each stage of our vulnerability management program is designed to foster a culture of security resilience. The following table provides a summary of the activities that comprise each stage.

IdentificationDetecting vulnerabilities through regular 24/7 monitoring, external penetration testing, weekly and daily vulnerability scans, and our Bug Bounty Program.
PrioritizationWe rely on NIST CVE severity as the most authoritative data for open source and third-party product vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities found in our core products are prioritized based on criteria and our internal testing.
AssessmentWe rely on NIST CVE severity where applicable. Where not applicable, we use a risk-based approach to assessing vulnerabilities and consider the exploitability, impact on business continuity, and/or how the software is sourced, built, packaged, and deployed.
CommunicationSecurity advisories are published for all critical and high vulnerabilities after they are discovered, prioritized, and assessed. Refer to Security Bulletins for further information.
RemediationDeveloped fixes are applied as soon as practical. Third-party component remediations may be delayed depending on the availability of upstream fixes.
VerificationOnce the remediation has been completed, thorough testing is done to ensure the fixes are effective. Customers may need to upgrade their existing clusters to inherit vulnerability fixes.

Like most other cloud native products, our products depend on many open source libraries and third-party components. Often there are external dependencies on open source communities and third-party vendors in addressing these vulnerabilities. Where applicable and appropriate, we will include workarounds in the security advisories.