Spectro Cloud CLI Tool
The Spectro CLI tool is a command-line interface to interact with Palette registry server. You can use the CLI to upload or download packs and perform other operations.
We recommend using an OCI registry to store and maintain your packs. Refer to the OCI registry section for more information.
- A Legacy Pack Registry server must be available and accessible from the CLI. Refer to the Add Custom Registries section for more information.
The Spectro CLI tool is currently available for OSX and Linux.
- Download the CLI file for your operating system.
- Linux
wget https://spectro-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/v4.6.0/osx/spectro
wget https://spectro-cli.s3.amazonaws.com/v4.6.0/linux/spectro
Provide the executable permission to the CLI spectro.
chmod +x spectro
Global Flags
The following flags are available for all the Spectro CLI commands
Short Flag | Long Flag | Description | Type |
-h | --help | Help for the command | boolean |
-s | --home | Spectro home directory (default: $HOME/.spectro) | string |
Reference information for all the Spectro CLI commands.
Authenticate user with Spectro Cloud pack registry by using the login command:
spectro registry login [SERVER]
spectro registry login spectro.io:5000
spectro registry login spectro.io:5000 --insecure --default
SERVER - Spectro Cloud pack registry server in the format [host:port]
-i, --insecure - Insecure is used when the pack registry is installed in HTTP or HTTPS with self-signed certificates.
-d, --default - Set the server as default Spectro Cloud pack registry for all the CLI commands.
If you have access to the pack registry's Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. Place the CA certificate in the /etc/spectro/certs.d/[SERVER]/ca.crt folder. Replace the [SERVER] with the pack registry server name.
The following subcommands are available for the pack
Generate a pack in the target directory using a Helm Chart.
spectro pack build [PACK_NAME] [TARGET_DIR]
spectro pack build my-awesome-pack ./my-awesome-pack
PACK_NAME - Name of the pack TARGET_DIR - Directory containing the pack data
-p, --push - Push the pack on the registry after creation
-r, --registry-server - Override the default Spectro registry
Upload the pack content from the pack source dir to the Spectro Cloud pack registry.
spectro pack push [PACK_SOURCE_DIR] [flags]
spectro pack push /tmp/packs/nginx-1.16.1
spectro pack push /tmp/packs/nginx-1.16.1 --registry-server spectro.io:5000
spectro pack push /tmp/packs/nginx-1.16.1 --force --message "updated nginx pack values"
PACK_SOURCE_DIR: Directory location where pack content is located.
-r, --registry-server string - To override the default Spectro Cloud pack registry
-f, --force - If a pack with the same tag already exists in the registry, then the force option can be used to overwrite the pack contents in the registry.
-m, --message - A short description about the pack changes. It is mandatory to set this flag when the force option is enabled.
--skip-digest-check - By default, the force option can push the pack only if the pack content digest is different than the registry pack digest. So the skip digest command can be used to skip the comparison of the digests.
List all the packs from the Spectro Cloud pack registry:
spectro pack ls [flags]
spectro pack ls spectro.io:5000
spectro pack ls spectro.io:5000 --name ubuntu --registry-server spectro.io:5000
-n, --name string - packs can be filtered by pack name
-r, --registry-server string - To override the default pack registry
Download the packs from the pack registry to a pack target location:
spectro pack pull NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST] TARGET_DIR [flags]
spectro pack pull nginx:1.16.1 /tmp/packs
spectro pack pull nginx@sha256:5269f073ac8e3c2536270b496ca1cc537e32e44186a5a014b8c48cddca3c6e87 /tmp/packs --registry-server spectro.io:5000
PACK_NAME: TAG|@DIGEST - Name of the pack for a particular tag or a sha digest.
PACK_TARGET_DIR - Directory location where pack content will be pulled.
-r, --registry-server string - To override the default pack registry.
Create a new tag to a pack which is already pushed to the pack registry:
spectro pack tag add SOURCE_PACK:TAG TARGET_LABEL [flags]
spectro pack tag add ubuntu:lts__14.4.3 stable
spectro pack tag add ubuntu:lts__14.4.3 14.4.3-beta -g lts -r spectro.io:5000
Tag is a combination of label and the group name. The label is mandatory, whereas the group is optional.
Using the example lts___14.4.3
, the following is the breakdown of the tag:
Element | Description | Required |
lts | The group name. | No |
14.4.3 | The label. | Yes |
lts__14.4.3 | The tag, which is a combination of the group name and the label. | Yes |
PACK_NAME: TAG - Name of the pack for a particular tag to which a new tag will be created.
TARGET_LABEL - Target tag label.
-g, --group string - Target tag group.
-r, --registry-server string - To override the default Spectro Cloud pack registry.
To remove a tag from a pack which is already pushed to the pack registry use the pack tag delete
spectro pack tag delete PACK:TAG [flags]
spectro pack tag delete ubuntu:14.4.3
spectro pack tag delete ubuntu:14.4.3 -r spectro.io:5000
Parent tags, such as major version (Ex: 14.x) and minor version (Ex: 14.4.x) can not be deleted. These tags are
auto-generated by the system. If no tags are associated with the pack then these are auto-deleted by the system. For
example, if the tag 14.4.3
is deleted, then the major and minor version tags are auto-linked to the remaining tags of
a pack.
PACK_NAME: TAG - Pack name and Tag which needs to be deleted.
-r, --registry-server string - To override the default Spectro Cloud pack registry.
Check the version of the Spectro CLI that is currently installed.
spectro version
Spectro CLI Version 4.6.4 linux/amd64