Palette supports various configuration options for the EKS Kubernetes pack. These are explained in the following sections.
Configure Managed Control Plane Settings
The following sections relate to the customizable options within the managedControlPlane.*
Disable IAM OIDC Identity Provider
Use this parameter to disable creation of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider.
Parameter | Description | Default |
disableAssociateOIDCProvider | When set to true , this parameter prevents the creation of an IAM OIDC identity provider for the EKS cluster. Once the cluster is created, changing this field has no effect. | false |
disableAssociateOIDCProvider: true
Configure Logging
Use the following parameters to control the logging for the managed control plane services.
You can use the Control Plane Logging preset to enable or disable all of these parameters.
Parameter | Description | Default |
logging.apiServer | Toggles logging for the Kubernetes API server. | false |
logging.audit | Toggles Kubernetes API audit logging. | false |
logging.authenticator | Toggles cluster authenticator logging. | false |
logging.controllerManager | Toggles logging for the Kubernetes controller manager. | false |
logging.scheduler | Toggles logging for the Kubernetes scheduler. | false |
apiServer: true
audit: true
authenticator: true
controllerManager: true
scheduler: false
Configure IAM Roles for Service Accounts
Use the following parameters to assign IAM roles to Kubernetes service accounts using IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA).
Parameter | Description |
irsaRoles.name | The name of the IAM role to be created for IRSA. This typically includes the cluster name for uniqueness. |
irsaRoles.policies | A list of AWS Managed Policy Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) or custom policy ARNs that should be attached to the role. |
irsaRoles.serviceAccount | Optional object specifying the service account name and namespace that the role should trust. If omitted, it defaults to the audience sts.amazonaws.com . |
- name: "{{.spectro.system.cluster.name}}-irsa-cni"
- arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MyCustomCNIForEKS
name: aws-node
namespace: kube-system
- name: "mycluster-irsa-csi"
- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy
Configure Security Group Overrides
Use the following parameters to override the default security groups for the Amazon EKS components.
Parameter | Description |
securityGroupOverrides.controlplane | The security group ID for the EKS control plane instances. If not provided, one is automatically created. |
securityGroupOverrides.bastion | The security group ID for the bastion host, if configured. |
securityGroupOverrides.node | The primary security group for worker nodes, either self-managed or managed. |
securityGroupOverrides.node-eks-additional | Additional security group for worker nodes, if needed. |
securityGroupOverrides.apiserver-lb | The security group for the API server load balancer, which is the public endpoint to your cluster. |
securityGroupOverrides.lb | The security group for any other load balancers used by the cluster. |
controlplane: "sg-11111111"
bastion: "sg-22222222"
node: "sg-33333333"
node-eks-additional: "sg-44444444"
apiserver-lb: "sg-55555555"
lb: "sg-66666666"
Configure OIDC Identity Provider
Use these parameters to configure an external OIDC identity provider for Amazon EKS, such as Okta or Auth0.
Parameter | Description |
oidcIdentityProvider.identityProviderConfigName | The display name for the OIDC provider config in EKS. |
oidcIdentityProvider.issuerUrl | The base URL of the external OIDC identity provider. |
oidcIdentityProvider.clientId | The OIDC client application identifier. |
oidcIdentityProvider.usernameClaim | Specifies which JWT claim is mapped to the Kubernetes username. |
oidcIdentityProvider.usernamePrefix | An optional string prepended to the username. This helps avoid collision with existing names. |
oidcIdentityProvider.groupsClaim | Specifies which JWT claim is mapped to the Kubernetes groups. |
oidcIdentityProvider.groupsPrefix | An optional string prepended to group names. |
oidcIdentityProvider.requiredClaims | A map of key-value pairs that must be present in the token. The token is only accepted if all these claim requirements are met. |
identityProviderConfigName: "eks-oidc"
issuerUrl: "https://tenant.okta.com"
clientId: "my-oidc-client-id"
usernameClaim: "email"
usernamePrefix: "-"
groupsClaim: "groups"
groupsPrefix: "-"
email_verified: "true"
Configure Additional Control Plane Policies
Use this parameter to attach extra policies in ARN format to the Amazon EKS control plane role.
Parameter | Description |
roleAdditionalPolicies | A list of AWS IAM Policy ARNs to attach to the control plane’s IAM role in addition to the default AWS-managed ones. |
- "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MyCustomPolicy"
- "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/AnotherCustomPolicy"
Map IAM Identities to Kubernetes RBAC Groups
Use the following parameters to map IAM users and roles to Kubernetes Role-based Access Control (RBAC) groups, enabling fine-grained access control.
Parameter | Description |
iamAuthenticatorConfig.mapRoles | A list that maps one or more IAM roles to Kubernetes usernames and groups. |
iamAuthenticatorConfig.mapUsers | A list that maps one or more IAM users to Kubernetes usernames and groups. |
- rolearn: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/KubernetesNode
username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
- userarn: arn:aws:iam::000000000000:user/Alice
username: alice
- system:masters
Configure Managed Machine Pool Settings
The following sections relate to the customizable options within the managedMachinePool.*
Configure Custom IAM Role and Policies for Worker Nodes
Parameter | Description |
roleName | A custom IAM role name for the worker node group. Must be a self-managed role with EKS worker policies attached. The role name cannot start with ng-role_ as this is reserved for roles generated by Spectro Cloud. |
roleAdditionalPolicies | A list of additional policy ARNs to attach to the worker node group’s IAM role in addition to the required EKS worker policies. |
roleName: "eks-workers-mycluster"
- "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/MyExtraPolicy"
- "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/AnotherPolicy"
Configure Client Configuration Settings
The following sections relate to the customizable options within the clientConfig.*
Configure OIDC-Based Authentication in Kubeconfig
Use the following parameters to configure OIDC-based authentication when generating a kubeconfig for CLI access and other client tools.
Parameter | Description |
oidc-issuer-url | The OIDC issuer URL used in the generated kubeconfig. |
oidc-client-id | The OIDC client ID. This should match the Amazon EKS OIDC identity provider client ID. |
oidc-client-secret | The OIDC client secret. This is only required if the provider requires client_secret authentication. |
oidc-extra-scope | The additional OAuth scopes to request. These are specific categories of user data, such as email or user profile. |
oidc-issuer-url: "https://tenant.okta.com"
oidc-client-id: "my-oidc-client-id"
oidc-client-secret: "my-oidc-client-secret"
oidc-extra-scope: "profile,email"
Required IAM Permissions for Configuration
You must ensure the AWS IAM user or role performing these actions has sufficient privileges. The following table is an overview of the permissions required for each configuration section.
Configuration Section | IAM Permissions Required |
Disable IAM OIDC Identity Provider | iam:CreateOpenIDConnectProvider iam:DeleteOpenIDConnectProvider iam:GetOpenIDConnectProvider iam:TagOpenIDConnectProvider |
Configure Logging | logs:CreateLogGroup logs:CreateLogStream logs:PutLogEvents eks:UpdateClusterConfig |
Configure IAM Roles for Service Accounts | iam:CreateRole iam:AttachRolePolicy iam:PassRole iam:GetRole iam:ListRoles |
Configure Security Group Overrides | ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups ec2:CreateSecurityGroup ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup |
Configure OIDC Identity Provider | eks:AssociateIdentityProviderConfig eks:DisassociateIdentityProviderConfig eks:DescribeIdentityProviderConfig iam:CreateOpenIDConnectProvider iam:DeleteOpenIDConnectProvider iam:TagOpenIDConnectProvider |
Configure Additional Control Plane Policies | iam:AttachRolePolicy iam:DetachRolePolicy iam:PassRole |
Map IAM Identities to Kubernetes RBAC Groups | Depending on the cluster authentication mode, EKS API mode may require eks:DescribeCluster and eks:UpdateClusterConfig . |
Configure Custom IAM Role and Policies for Worker Nodes | iam:CreateRole iam:AttachRolePolicy iam:PassRole iam:GetRole iam:ListRoles |
Configure OIDC-Based Authentication in Kubeconfig | eks:DescribeCluster |
Core IAM Policies Coverage
If using the Core IAM Policies, including the Controllers EKS Policy, you may need the following additional IAM permissions.
Configuration Section | Missing Permissions |
Configure Logging | logs:CreateLogGroup logs:CreateLogStream logs:PutLogEvents |
Configure IAM Roles for Service Accounts | iam:ListRoles |
Configure Security Group Overrides | ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress |
Configure Custom IAM Role and Policies for Worker Nodes | iam:ListRoles |
Minimum Permissions Coverage
If using Minimum Permissions (dynamic or static), including the Controllers EKS Policy, you may need the following additional IAM permissions.
Configuration Section | Remaining Missing Permissions |
Disable IAM OIDC Identity Provider | iam:GetOpenIDConnectProvider |
Configure Logging | logs:CreateLogGroup logs:CreateLogStream logs:PutLogEvents |
Configure IAM Roles for Service Accounts | iam:ListRoles |
Configure Security Group Overrides | ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress |
Configure Custom IAM Role and Policies for Worker Nodes | iam:ListRoles |
You can retrieve details about the Kubernetes pack for AWS EKS by using the following Terraform code.
data "spectrocloud_registry" "public_registry" {
name = "Public Repo"
data "spectrocloud_pack_simple" "k8s" {
name = "kubernetes-eks"
version = "1.29"
type = "helm"
registry_uid = data.spectrocloud_registry.public_registry.id