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Edge Bring your own OS (BYOOS)

Versions Supported

BYOOS enables you to use a custom OS for your Edge host. The custom OS must include all the Edge artifacts and provider images required by the Edge Installer. Refer to the Build Edge Artifacts guide for steps on how to create a custom OS that includes all the required components for the Edge Installer.

Next, select the BYOOS pack and fill out the required parameters during the cluster profile creation process. The system.uri parameter specifies the location of the BYOOS image.


You can retrieve details about the BYOOS Edge OS agent pack using the following Terraform code.

data "spectrocloud_registry" "public_registry" {
name = "Public Repo"

data "spectrocloud_pack_simple" "byoos" {
name = "edge-native-byoi"
version = "1.0.0"
type = "helm"
registry_uid =