Install Airgap Self-Hosted Palette
You can use the Palette Helm Chart to install Palette in a multi-node Kubernetes cluster in your airgap production environment.
This installation method is common in secure environments with restricted network access that prohibits using Palette SaaS. Review our architecture diagrams to ensure your Kubernetes cluster has the necessary network connectivity for self-hosted Palette to operate successfully.
Complete the Environment Setup steps before proceeding with the installation.
kubectl is installed and available.
Helm is installed and available.
Access to the target Kubernetes cluster's kubeconfig file. You must be able to interact with the cluster using
commands and have sufficient permissions to install Palette. We recommend using a role withcluster-admin
permissions to install Palette. -
or a similar extraction utility is installed on your system. -
The Kubernetes cluster must be set up on a supported version of Kubernetes. Refer to the Kubernetes Requirements section to find the version required for your Palette installation.
Ensure the Kubernetes cluster does not have Cert Manager installed. Palette requires a unique Cert Manager configuration to be installed as part of the installation process. If Cert Manager is already installed, you must uninstall it before installing Palette.
Palette requires a Container Storage Interface (CSI) to create Persistest Volume, which is used to store persistent data. You may install any CSI that is compatible with your Kubernetes cluster.
If you are using a self-hosted MongoDB instance, such as MongoDB Atlas, ensure the MongoDB database has a user named
with the permissionreadWriteAnyDatabase
. Refer to the Add a Database User guide for guidance on how to create a database user in Atlas. -
We recommended the following resources for Palette. Refer to the Palette size guidelines for additional sizing information.
8 CPUs per node.
16 GB Memory per node.
110 GB Disk Space per node.
A minimum of three worker nodes or three untainted control plane nodes.
The following network ports must be accessible for Palette to operate successfully.
TCP/443: Inbound and outbound to and from the Palette management cluster.
TCP/6443: Outbound traffic from the Palette management cluster to the deployed clusters' Kubernetes API server.
Ensure you have an SSL certificate that matches the domain name you will assign to Palette. You will need this to enable HTTPS encryption for Palette. Reach out to your network administrator or security team to obtain the SSL certificate. You need the following files:
x509 SSL certificate file in the base64 format.
x509 SSL certificate key file in the base64 format.
x509 SSL certificate authority file in the base64 format.
A StorageClass to manage persistent storage, with the annotation
set totrue
. To override the default StorageClass for a workload, modify thestorageClass
parameter. Check out the Change the default StorageClass page to learn more about modifying StorageClasses. -
An Nginx controller will be installed by default. If you already have an Nginx controller deployed in the cluster, you must set the
parameter tofalse
in the values.yaml file. -
A custom domain and the ability to update Domain Name System (DNS) records. You will need this to enable HTTPS encryption for Palette.
If you are installing Palette behind a network proxy server, ensure you have the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate file in the base64 format. You will need this to enable Palette to communicate with the network proxy server.
Access to the Palette Helm Charts. Refer to the Access Palette for instructions on how to request access to the Helm Chart.
Do not use a Palette-managed Kubernetes cluster when installing Palette. Palette-managed clusters contain the Palette agent and Palette-created Kubernetes resources that will interfere with the installation.
Install Palette
The following instructions are agnostic to the Kubernetes distribution you are using. Depending on the underlying infrastructure provider and your Kubernetes distribution, you may need to modify the instructions to match your environment. Reach out to our support team if you need assistance.
Open a terminal session and navigate to the directory where you downloaded the Palette installation zip file provided by our support. Unzip the file to a directory named palette-install.
unzip release-*.zip -d palette-install
Navigate to the release folder inside the palette-install directory.
cd palette-install/charts/release-*
Open the file extras/cert-manager/values.yaml in a text editor and append the URL to your OCI registry, which also includes the namespace or project that is hosting the Spectro Cloud images. The URL should be in the format
. In the example configuration below, the
is prefixed to each URL. Save the file after you have appended the URL.image:
cainjectorImage: ""
controllerImage: ""
webhookImage: ""
amceResolverImage: "" -
Install Cert Manager using the following command. Replace the actual file name of the Cert Manager Helm Chart with the one you downloaded, as the version number may be different.
helm upgrade --values extras/cert-manager/values.yaml \
cert-manager extras/cert-manager/cert-manager-*.tgz --installRelease "cert-manager" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: cert-manager
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jan 29 16:32:33 2024
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
Open the file extras/image-swap/values.yaml in a text editor and append the URL to your OCI registry that also includes the namespace or project that is hosting the Spectro Cloud images.
imageSwapInitImage: ""
imageSwapImage: "" -
Update the
section with the proper configuration values to your OCI registry. TheociImageRegistry
section should look similar to the following example.infoUse the following
placeholder string to replace the respective values of your OCI,,,,,"
endpoint: ""
name: "Airgap Images OCI"
password: ""
username: ""
baseContentPath: "spectro-images"
insecureSkipVerify: true
caCert: ""
mirrorRegistries: ",,,,," -
Go ahead and install the image-swap chart using the following command. Point to the values.yaml file you configured in steps five through six.
helm upgrade --values extras/image-swap/values.yaml \
image-swap extras/image-swap/image-swap-*.tgz --installRelease "image-swap" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: image-swap
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jan 29 17:04:23 2024
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
TEST SUITE: NonetipIf you need to override the image-swap registry configuration post-deployment, refer to the Override Registry Configuration page for instructions.
Open the values.yaml file in the spectro-mgmt-plane folder with a text editor of your choice. The values.yaml file contains the default values for the Palette installation parameters. However, you must populate the following parameters before installing Palette. You can learn more about the parameters on the values.yaml file on the Helm Configuration Reference page.
Ensure you provide the proper
values if you are using a self-hosted OCI registry. You can find the placeholder string in theociImageRegistry
section of the values.yaml file.Parameter Description Type env.rootDomain
The URL name or IP address you will use for the Palette installation. string config.installationMode
The installation mode for Palette. The values can be connected
. Set this value toairgap
.string ociPackEcrRegistry
The OCI registry credentials for the Palette FIPS packs repository. object ociImageRegistry
The OCI registry credentials for the Palette images repository. object ociImageRegistry.mirrorRegistries
Replace the placeholder string with the respective values of your OCI registry repository that is hosting the images. Do not use the same values you provided to the image-swap values.yaml. The placeholders require a /v2/
endpoint if your OCI registry supports the Docker Registry protocol v2, otherwise container pull images will fail.imageSwapImages
The image swap configuration for Palette. If you are using an OCI registry, such as Harbor. Replace the prefix URLs with your OCI registry URL that includes the image namespace or project: <registry-url>/<namespace>
.object imageSwapConfig.isEKSCluster
If you are NOT installing Palette on an EKS cluster, set this value to false
.boolean ingress.enabled
Whether to install the Nginx ingress controller. Set this to false
if you already have an Nginx controller deployed in the cluster.boolean reach-system
Set reach-system.enabled
and configure thereach-system.proxySettings
parameters for Palette to use a network proxy in your environment.object infoIf you are installing Palette by pulling required images from a private mirror registry, you will need to provide the credentials to your registry in the values.yaml file. For more information, refer to Helm Configuration Reference.
Save the values.yaml file after you have populated the required parameters mentioned in the table. Select one of the following tabs to review an example of the values.yaml file with the required parameters highlighted.
- OCI Registry
- AWS ECR Registry
# Spectro Cloud Palette #
create: false
# Provide your own base64 encoded dockerconfigjson value below if using ImagePullSecret for Private registry Authentication
dockerConfigJson: ""
# MongoDB Configuration
# Whether to deploy MongoDB in-cluster (internal == true) or use Mongo Atlas
internal: true
# Mongodb URL. Only change if using Mongo Atlas.
databaseUrl: "mongo-0.mongo,mongo-1.mongo,mongo-2.mongo"
# Mongo Atlas password, base64 encoded. Only enter if using Mongo Atlas.
databasePassword: ""
#No. of mongo replicas to run, default is 3
replicas: 3
# The following only apply if mongo.internal == true
cpuLimit: "2000m"
memoryLimit: "4Gi"
pvcSize: "20Gi"
storageClass: "" # leave empty to use the default storage class
installationMode: "airgap" #values can be connected or airgap.
# SSO SAML Configuration (Optional for self-hosted type)
enabled: false
acsUrlRoot: ""
acsUrlScheme: "https"
audienceUrl: ""
entityId: ""
apiVersion: "v1"
# Email Configurations. (Optional for self-hosted type)
enabled: false
emailId: ""
smtpServer: ""
smtpPort: 587
insecureSkipVerifyTls: true
fromEmailId: ""
password: "" # base64 encoded SMTP password
# rootDomain is a DNS record which will be mapped to the ingress-nginx-controller load balancer
# E.g.,
# - Mandatory if ingress.internal == false
# - Optional if ingress.internal == true (leave empty)
# IMPORTANT: a DNS record must be created separately and it must be a wildcard to account for Organization prefixes
# E.g., *
rootDomain: ""
# stableEndpointAccess is used when deploying EKS clusters in Private network type.
# When your Saas installed instance have connectivity to the private VPC where you want to launch the cluster set the stableEndpointAccess to true
stableEndpointAccess: false
# registry:
# endpoint: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# name: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# password: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# username: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# insecureSkipVerify: false
# caCert: ""
endpoint: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
name: "Airgap Packs OCI" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
password: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
username: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
baseContentPath: "spectro-packs" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
insecureSkipVerify: false
caCert: ""
# ociPackEcrRegistry:
# endpoint: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# name: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# accessKey: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# secretKey: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# baseContentPath: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# isPrivate: true
# insecureSkipVerify: false
# caCert: ""
endpoint: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
name: "Airgap Images OCI" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
password: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
username: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
baseContentPath: "spectro-images" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
insecureSkipVerify: true
caCert: ""
mirrorRegistries: ",,,,," # See instructions below.
# Instruction for mirrorRegistries.
# ----------------------------------
# Please provide the registry endpoint for the following registries, separated by double colons (::):
# For each registry, follow this example format:
# Replace <PLACE_HOLDER_FOR_ENDPOINT> with your actual registry endpoint and <DOCKER_IO_ENDPOINT>, <GCR_IO_ENDPOINT>, <GHCR_IO_ENDPOINT>, <K8S_IO_ENDPOINT>, <REGISTRY_K8S_IO_ENDPOINT>, and <QUAY_IO_ENDPOINT> with the specific endpoint details for each registry.
imageSwapInitImage: ""
imageSwapImage: ""
isEKSCluster: true #If the Cluster you are trying to install is EKS cluster set value to true else set to false
external: false
endpoint: "" #Please provide DNS endpoint with the port eg:
annotations: {}
# AWS example
# "true"
# tcp
# "https"
# Azure example
# "true"
# myserviceuniquelabel
# Static IP for the GRPC load balancer service. If empty, a dynamic IP will be generated.
grpcStaticIP: ""
caCertificateBase64: "" #Please provide caCertificate for the grpc server Cert
serverCrtBase64: ""
serverKeyBase64: ""
insecureSkipVerify: false
# When enabled nginx ingress controller would be installed
enabled: true
# Whether to front NGINX Ingress Controller with a cloud
# load balancer (internal == false) or use host network
internal: false
# Default SSL certificate and key for NGINX Ingress Controller (Optional)
# A wildcard cert for config.env.rootDomain, e.g., *
# If left blank, the NGINX ingress controller will generate a self-signed cert (when terminating TLS upstream of ingress-nginx-controller)
certificate: ""
key: ""
#If ACM is enabled please use grpc as a non internal and bring grpc on different LB. Provide certificate and dns for it.
annotations: {}
# AWS example
# "true"
# tcp
# "https"
# Azure example
# "true"
# myserviceuniquelabel
# Static IP for the Ingress load balancer service. If empty, a dynamic IP will be generated.
ingressStaticIP: ""
# For Service like AWS Load Balancer using https we would want to terminate the HTTPS at Load Balancer.
terminateHTTPSAtLoadBalancer: false
enabled: false
annotations: {}
enabled: true
enable: true
mapBoxAccessToken: "" # Leave Empty to use Default Access Token from Palette
mapBoxStyledLayerID: "" # Leave Empty to use Default Style Layer ID
enabled: false
http_proxy: ""
https_proxy: ""
no_proxy: ""
ca_crt_path: "" # Set the 'ca_crt_path' parameter to the location of the certificate file on each node. This file should contain the Proxy CA Certificate, in case the Proxy being used requires a certificate.
scheduleOnControlPlane: true#########################
# Spectro Cloud Palette #
create: false
# Provide your own base64 encoded dockerconfigjson value below if using ImagePullSecret for Private registry Authentication
dockerConfigJson: ""
# MongoDB Configuration
# Whether to deploy MongoDB in-cluster (internal == true) or use Mongo Atlas
internal: true
# Mongodb URL. Only change if using Mongo Atlas.
databaseUrl: "mongo-0.mongo,mongo-1.mongo,mongo-2.mongo"
# Mongo Atlas password, base64 encoded. Only enter if using Mongo Atlas.
databasePassword: ""
#No. of mongo replicas to run, default is 3
replicas: 3
# The following only apply if mongo.internal == true
cpuLimit: "2000m"
memoryLimit: "4Gi"
pvcSize: "20Gi"
storageClass: "" # leave empty to use the default storage class
installationMode: "airgap" #values can be connected or airgap.
# SSO SAML Configuration (Optional for self-hosted type)
enabled: false
acsUrlRoot: ""
acsUrlScheme: "https"
audienceUrl: ""
entityId: ""
apiVersion: "v1"
# Email Configurations. (Optional for self-hosted type)
enabled: false
emailId: ""
smtpServer: ""
smtpPort: 587
insecureSkipVerifyTls: true
fromEmailId: ""
password: "" # base64 encoded SMTP password
# rootDomain is a DNS record which will be mapped to the ingress-nginx-controller load balancer
# E.g.,
# - Mandatory if ingress.internal == false
# - Optional if ingress.internal == true (leave empty)
# IMPORTANT: a DNS record must be created separately and it must be a wildcard to account for Organization prefixes
# E.g., *
rootDomain: ""
# stableEndpointAccess is used when deploying EKS clusters in Private network type.
# When your Saas installed instance have connectivity to the private VPC where you want to launch the cluster set the stableEndpointAccess to true
stableEndpointAccess: false
# registry:
# endpoint: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# name: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# password: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# username: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# insecureSkipVerify: false
# caCert: ""
# ociPackRegistry:
# endpoint: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# name: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# password: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# username: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# baseContentPath: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
# insecureSkipVerify: false
# caCert: ""
endpoint: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
name: "Airgap Packs OCI" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
accessKey: "**************" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
secretKey: "**************" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
baseContentPath: "spectro-packs" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
isPrivate: true
insecureSkipVerify: true
caCert: ""
endpoint: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
name: "Airgap Images OCI" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
password: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
username: "" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
baseContentPath: "spectro-images" #<Contact Spectro Cloud Sales for More info>
insecureSkipVerify: false
caCert: ""
mirrorRegistries: ",,,,," # See instructions below.
# Instruction for mirrorRegistries.
# ----------------------------------
# Please provide the registry endpoint for the following registries, separated by double colons (::):
# For each registry, follow this example format:
# Replace <PLACE_HOLDER_FOR_ENDPOINT> with your actual registry endpoint and <DOCKER_IO_ENDPOINT>, <GCR_IO_ENDPOINT>, <GHCR_IO_ENDPOINT>, <K8S_IO_ENDPOINT>, <REGISTRY_K8S_IO_ENDPOINT>, and <QUAY_IO_ENDPOINT> with the specific endpoint details for each registry.
imageSwapInitImage: ""
imageSwapImage: ""
isEKSCluster: true #If the Cluster you are trying to install is EKS cluster set value to true else set to false
external: false
endpoint: "" #Please provide DNS endpoint with the port eg:
annotations: {}
# AWS example
# "true"
# tcp
# "https"
# Azure example
# "true"
# myserviceuniquelabel
# Static IP for the GRPC load balancer service. If empty, a dynamic IP will be generated.
grpcStaticIP: ""
caCertificateBase64: "" #Please provide caCertificate for the grpc server Cert
serverCrtBase64: ""
serverKeyBase64: ""
insecureSkipVerify: false
# When enabled nginx ingress controller would be installed
enabled: true
# Whether to front NGINX Ingress Controller with a cloud
# load balancer (internal == false) or use host network
internal: false
# Default SSL certificate and key for NGINX Ingress Controller (Optional)
# A wildcard cert for config.env.rootDomain, e.g., *
# If left blank, the NGINX ingress controller will generate a self-signed cert (when terminating TLS upstream of ingress-nginx-controller)
certificate: ""
key: ""
#If ACM is enabled please use grpc as a non internal and bring grpc on different LB. Provide certificate and dns for it.
annotations: {}
# AWS example
# "true"
# tcp
# "https"
# Azure example
# "true"
# myserviceuniquelabel
# Static IP for the Ingress load balancer service. If empty, a dynamic IP will be generated.
ingressStaticIP: ""
# For Service like AWS Load Balancer using https we would want to terminate the HTTPS at Load Balancer.
terminateHTTPSAtLoadBalancer: false
enabled: false
annotations: {}
enabled: true
enable: true
mapBoxAccessToken: "" # Leave Empty to use Default Access Token from Palette
mapBoxStyledLayerID: "" # Leave Empty to use Default Style Layer ID
enabled: false
http_proxy: ""
https_proxy: ""
no_proxy: ""
ca_crt_path: "" # Set the 'ca_crt_path' parameter to the location of the certificate file on each node. This file should contain the Proxy CA Certificate, in case the Proxy being used requires a certificate.
scheduleOnControlPlane: truewarningEnsure you have configured the values.yaml file with the required parameters before proceeding to the next steps. For the parameter
, ensure a/v2/
endpoint is used if your OCI registry supports the Docker Registry protocol v2, otherwise container pull images will fail. -
This step is only required if you are installing Palette in an environment where a network proxy must be configured for Palette to access the internet. If you are not using a network proxy, skip to the next step.
Install the reach-system chart using the following command. Point to the values.yaml file you configured in step eight.
helm upgrade --values palette/values.yaml \
reach-system extras/reach-system/reach-system-*.tgz --installRelease "reach-system" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: reach-system
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jan 29 17:04:23 2024
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
TEST SUITE: NoneHow to update containerd to use proxy configurations
If your Kubernetes cluster is behind a network proxy, ensure the containerd service is configured to use proxy settings. You can do this by updating the containerd configuration file on each node in the cluster. The configuration file is typically located at
. Below is an example of the configuration file. Replace the values with your proxy settings. Ask your network administrator for guidance.[Service]
Environment="NO_PROXY=,localhost,,,,,,.cluster.local" -
Install the Palette Helm Chart using the following command.
helm upgrade --values palette/values.yaml \
hubble palette/spectro-mgmt-plane-*.tgz --installRelease "hubble" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: hubble
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jan 29 17:07:51 2024
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
Track the installation process using the command below. Palette is ready when the deployments in the namespaces
, andui-system
reach the Ready state. The installation takes two to three minutes to complete.kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --watch
tipFor a more user-friendly experience, use the open source tool k9s to monitor the installation process.
Create a DNS CNAME record that is mapped to the Palette
load balancer. You can use the following command to retrieve the load balancer IP address. You may require the assistance of your network administrator to create the DNS record.kubectl get service ingress-nginx-controller --namespace ingress-nginx \
--output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'infoAs you create tenants in Palette, the tenant name is prefixed to the domain name you assigned to Palette. For example, if you create a tenant named
and the domain name you assigned to Palette
, the tenant URL will
. You can create an additional wildcard DNS record to map all tenant URLs to the Palette load balancer. -
Use the custom domain name or the IP address of the load balancer to visit the Palette system console. To access the system console, open a web browser, paste the custom domain URL in the address bar, and append the value
.The first time you visit the Palette system console, a warning message about a not-trusted SSL certificate may appear. This is expected, as you have not yet uploaded your SSL certificate to Palette. You can ignore this warning message and proceed.
Log in to the system console using the following default credentials. Refer to the password requirements documentation page to learn more about password requirements.
Parameter Value Username admin
Password admin
After login, you will be prompted to create a new password. Enter a new password and save your changes. You will be redirected to the Palette system console. Use the username
and your new password to log in to the system console. You can create additional system administrator accounts and assign roles to users in the system console. Refer to the Account Management documentation page for more information. -
After login, a summary page is displayed. Palette is installed with a self-signed SSL certificate. To assign a different SSL certificate, you must upload the SSL certificate, SSL certificate key, and SSL certificate authority files to Palette. You can upload the files using the Palette system console. Refer to the Configure HTTPS Encryption page for instructions on how to upload the SSL certificate files to Palette.
warningIf you plan to deploy host clusters into different networks, you may require a reverse proxy. Check out the Configure Reverse Proxy guide for instructions on how to configure a reverse proxy for Palette.
You now have a self-hosted instance of Palette installed in a Kubernetes cluster. Make sure you retain the values.yaml file, as you may need it for future upgrades.
Use the following steps to validate the Palette installation.
Open up a web browser and navigate to the Palette system console. To access the system console, open a web browser, paste the
value you provided in the address bar, and append the value/system
in the following format:<env.rootDomain>/system
. You can also use the IP address of the load balancer. -
Log in using the credentials you received from our support team. After login, you will be prompted to create a new password. Enter a new password and save your changes. You will be redirected to the Palette system console.
Open a terminal session and issue the following command to verify the Palette installation. The command should return a list of deployments in the
, andui-system
namespaces.kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --output custom-columns="NAMESPACE:metadata.namespace,,STATUS:status.phase" \
| grep -E '^(cp-system|hubble-system|ingress-nginx|jet-system|ui-system)\s'Your output should look similar to the following.
cp-system spectro-cp-ui-689984f88d-54wsw Running
hubble-system auth-85b748cbf4-6drkn Running
hubble-system auth-85b748cbf4-dwhw2 Running
hubble-system cloud-fb74b8558-lqjq5 Running
hubble-system cloud-fb74b8558-zkfp5 Running
hubble-system configserver-685fcc5b6d-t8f8h Running
hubble-system event-68568f54c7-jzx5t Running
hubble-system event-68568f54c7-w9rnh Running
hubble-system foreq-6b689f54fb-vxjts Running
hubble-system hashboard-897bc9884-pxpvn Running
hubble-system hashboard-897bc9884-rmn69 Running
hubble-system hutil-6d7c478c96-td8q4 Running
hubble-system hutil-6d7c478c96-zjhk4 Running
hubble-system mgmt-85dbf6bf9c-jbggc Running
hubble-system mongo-0 Running
hubble-system mongo-1 Running
hubble-system mongo-2 Running
hubble-system msgbroker-6c9b9fbf8b-mcsn5 Running
hubble-system oci-proxy-7789cf9bd8-qcjkl Running
hubble-system packsync-28205220-bmzcg Succeeded
hubble-system spectrocluster-6c57f5775d-dcm2q Running
hubble-system spectrocluster-6c57f5775d-gmdt2 Running
hubble-system spectrocluster-6c57f5775d-sxks5 Running
hubble-system system-686d77b947-8949z Running
hubble-system system-686d77b947-cgzx6 Running
hubble-system timeseries-7865bc9c56-5q87l Running
hubble-system timeseries-7865bc9c56-scncb Running
hubble-system timeseries-7865bc9c56-sxmgb Running
hubble-system user-5c9f6c6f4b-9dgqz Running
hubble-system user-5c9f6c6f4b-hxkj6 Running
ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller-2txsv Running
ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller-55pk2 Running
ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller-gmps9 Running
jet-system jet-6599b9856d-t9mr4 Running
ui-system spectro-ui-76ffdf67fb-rkgx8 Running
Next Steps
You have successfully installed Palette in a Kubernetes cluster. Your next steps are to configure Palette for your organization. Start by creating the first tenant to host your users. Use the Create a Tenant page for instructions on how to create a tenant.