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Palette is available as a self-hosted application that you install in your environment. The self-hosted version is a dedicated Palette environment hosted on VMware instances or in an existing Kubernetes cluster. Palette is available in the following modes:

Supported PlatformDescriptionInstall Guide
VMwareInstall Palette in VMware environment.Install on VMware
KubernetesInstall Palette using a Helm Chart in an existing Kubernetes cluster.Install on Kubernetes

Airgap Installation

You can also install Palette in an airgap environment. For more information, refer to the Airgap Installation section.

Supported Airgap PlatformDescriptionInstall Guide
VMwareInstall Palette in VMware environment using your own OCI registry server.VMware Airgap Install
KubernetesInstall Palette using a Helm Chart in an existing Kubernetes cluster with your own OCI registry server OR use AWS ECR.Kubernetes Airgap Install

The next sections provide sizing guidelines we recommend you review before installing Palette in your environment.

Size Guidelines

This section lists resource requirements for Palette for various capacity levels. In Palette, the terms small, medium, and large are used to describe the instance size of worker pools that Palette is installed on. The following table lists the resource requirements for each size.


The recommended maximum number of deployed nodes and clusters in the environment should not be exceeded. We have tested the performance of Palette with the recommended maximum number of deployed nodes and clusters. Exceeding these limits can negatively impact performance and result in instability. The active workload limit refers to the maximum number of active nodes and pods at any given time.

SizeTotal NodesNode CPUNode MemoryNode StorageMongoDB Node Storage LimitMongoDB Node Memory LimitMongoDB Node CPU LimitTotal Deployed Workload Cluster NodesDeployed Clusters with 10 Nodes
Small3816 GB60 GB20 GB4 GB21000100
Medium (Recommended)31632 GB100 GB60 GB8 GB43000300
Large33264 GB120 GB80 GB12 GB65000500

The Spectro manifest requires approximately 10 GB of storage. Palette deployed clusters use the manifest to identify what images to pull for each microservice that makes up Palette.

Instance Sizing

ConfigurationActive Workload Limit
SmallUp to 1000 nodes each with 30 pods (30,000 pods)
Medium (Recommended)Up to 3000 nodes each with 30 pods (90,000 pods)
LargeUp to 5000 nodes each with 30 pods (150,000 pods)

Kubernetes Requirements

The following table presents the Kubernetes version corresponding to each Palette version for VMware and Kubernetes installations. Additionally, for VMware installations, it provides the download URLs for the required Operating System and Kubernetes distribution OVA. Ensure that you use the FIPS OVA URL if you require a FIPS compliant installation.

Palette Version Kubernetes VersionOVA Download URLFIPS OVA Download URL

Proxy Requirements

By default, Palette connects to the internet to download images and packages. If your environment uses a proxy server, ensure the following domains and ports are accessible. The proxy server should meet the following requirements:

  • A proxy used for outgoing connections should support both HTTP and HTTPS traffic.

  • If you are deploying Palette to a vSphere environment. Ensure the instance Palette is installed through network has access to vCenter.

  • Allow connectivity to domains and ports in the table.

  • Review the gRPC and Proxies page to learn more about Palette's support for gRPC in a proxy environment.

The statements above are not applicable to air-gapped installations. For air-gapped installations, you must download the required images and packages and make them available to the system.

Top-Level DomainPortDescription
ecr.*.amazonaws.com443AWS ECR Registry
spectrocloud.com443Required content repository and pack registry
*.amazonaws.com443OVA files and other assets generated by us
gcr.io443Assets maintained by us and common third party container images
ghcr.io443Kubernetes VIP images
docker.io443Common third party content
googleapis.com443For pulling images required by our services
docker.com443Common third party container images
raw.githubusercontent.com443Common third party content
projectcalico.org443Calico container images
quay.io443Common third party container images
grafana.com443Grafana container images and manifests
github.com443Common third party content
k8s.gcr.io443Kubernetes images [deprecated]
registry.k8s.io443Kubernetes images
docker.pkg.dev443Common third party content
us-docker.pkg.dev443Required content repository and common third party content
