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Prepare Edge Hosts

This guide explains how to prepare edge hosts for use as Amazon EKS Hybrid Nodes within the Spectro Cloud ecosystem. There are two available methods to register these hosts:

Agent Mode installs a lightweight agent on existing systems, and Appliance Mode deploys a fully managed operating system (OS) and stack. Choose the approach that aligns best with your operational and security requirements.


Check out Deployment Modes for further explanation and comparison of both modes.

Agent Mode

In Agent Mode, you install the Palette agent on your existing host OS. This agent communicates with Palette in connected mode to manage configurations, updates, and workloads.



  • You have physical or virtual machines ready to be used as edge hosts.

  • The physical or virtual machine resources for each edge host meet the Minimum Device Requirements.

  • The edge host has at least one static IP address assigned.

Network Connectivity

  • You can connect to the edge host through SSH using your private key.

    For example, issue the following command and replace <privateKey>, <sshUsername>, and <hostIpAddress> with your SSH private key, SSH username on the host, and the host IP address respectively.

    ssh -i <pathToPrivateKey> <sshUsername>@<hostIpAddress> exit
  • The Edge host has outbound access to the internet.

  • The edge host has inbound and outbound connectivity to Palette SaaS services and ports.

    For example, if you have netcat installed, issue the following command on the edge host to check whether the domain is accessible on port 443.

    nc -z -v 443

    Example output, if successful.

    Connection to port 443 [tcp/https] succeeded!
  • The edge host has outbound connectivity to the required AWS EKS domains and ports. Refer to the Access required during hybrid node installation and upgrade and Access required for ongoing cluster operations sections for listed guidance.

    For example, if you have netcat installed, issue the following command to check whether the domain is accessible on port 443.

    nc -z -v 443

    Example output, if successful.

    Connection to port 443 [tcp/https] succeeded!

    A table showing the required domains and ports for an example region can be found in the Configure Remote Network section during step 2.

  • The edge host has the necessary ports available exclusively for Cilium operations.

    For example, issue the following command to check whether port 4240 is being used on the edge host.

    sudo lsof -i :4240

    If the command returns no output, this typically indicates that the port is free.

Package Manager Index

  • Your edge host package manager must have an up-to-date package index. This is to ensure that dependency packages for nodeadm can be successfully downloaded and installed when creating hybrid node pools.

    For example, on Ubuntu, you would issue the following command.

    sudo apt-get update

    Adjust it to your operating system and package manager on your edge host.

OS and Dependencies

  • You must have a supported OS installed on your edge hosts. Palette supports the same operating systems as AWS. Refer to Prepare operating system for hybrid nodes for details.

    • The FIPS-compliant version of Agent Mode is only available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
  • Ensure the following software is installed and available:

    • bash
    • jq
    • Zstandard
    • rsync
    • systemd
    • systemd-timesyncd. This is required if you want Palette to manage Network Time Protocol (NTP). If you don't want Palette to manage NTP, you can skip this requirement.
    • systemd-resolved. This is required if you want Palette to manage Domain Name System (DNS). If you don't want Palette to manage DNS, you can skip this requirement.
    • systemd-networkd. This requirement is specific for clusters that use static IP addresses. You also need this if you want Palette to manage the Edge host network.
    • iptables
    • rsyslog. This is required for audit logs.


    Avoid installing Docker on the host where you want to install the agent. Docker is a heavyweight tool that could interfere with the Palette agent.

  • Ensure that the host has Bash configured as the default shell.

Palette Registration Token

  • You will need a Palette tenant registration token. Refer to the Create a Registration Token guide for instructions on how to create a token.

Register Edge Host in Agent Mode

  1. In your terminal, use the following command to SSH into the host. Replace </path/to/private/key> with the path to your private SSH key, <ssh-user> with the SSH username, and <host-ip-or-domain> with the host's IP address or hostname.

    ssh -i <pathToPrivateKey> <sshUsername>@<hostIpAddress> exit
  2. Export your Palette registration token. Replace <your-palette-registration-token> with your token.

    export TOKEN=<your-palette-registration-token>
  3. (Optional) If you are installing the agent on a host that accesses the internet through a network proxy, export the proxy configurations in your current terminal session.

    We recommend exporting the variables both in uppercase and lowercase to ensure compatibility. Replace <http-proxy-address> and <https-proxy-address> with the address and port to your HTTP and HTTPS proxy servers, respectively.

    export http_proxy=<http-proxy-address>
    export https_proxy=<https-proxy-address>
    export HTTP_PROXY=<http-proxy-address>
    export HTTPS_PROXY=<https-proxy-address>
  4. Issue the command below to create the user-data file and configure your host declaratively.

    The following configuration includes a Palette registration token and the default Palette endpoint, specifies a Palette project, and sets up the kairos user. Note the following:

    • If your host needs a proxy to access the internet, you need to provide the proxy configurations in the user data as well. For more information, refer to Site Network Parameters.
    • The host will not shut down and will instead reboot after the agent is installed, with kube-vip enabled, as this is required for bare metal and VMware vSphere deployments. If your environment does not require kube-vip, set skipKubeVip to true. Refer to the Prepare User Data guide to learn more about user data configuration.
    • The projectName parameter is not required if the associated Palette registration token has been configured with a default project.

    cat << EOF > user-data
    reboot: true
    poweroff: false

    skipKubeVip: false
    edgeHostToken: $TOKEN
    projectName: Default
    - users:
    - sudo
    passwd: kairos

    Confirm that the file was created correctly.

    cat user-data

    The output should contain the value of your Palette registration token assigned to the edgeHostToken parameter, as displayed in the example output below.

    reboot: true
    poweroff: false

    skipKubeVip: false
    edgeHostToken: ****************
    projectName: Default
    - users:
    - sudo
    passwd: kairos
  5. Export the path to your user data file.

    export USERDATA=./user-data
  6. Download the latest version of the Palette agent installation script. There is a FIPS-compliant script, if needed.

    curl --location --output ./
    Dedicated or On-Prem Palette Instance

    If you have a dedicated or on-prem instance of Palette, you need to identify the correct agent version and then download the corresponding version of the agent installation script. Use the command below and replace <palette-endpoint> with your Palette endpoint and <api-key> with your Palette API key to identify the version.

    curl --location --request GET 'https://<palette-endpoint>/v1/services/stylus/version' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Apikey: <api-key>'  | jq --raw-output '.spec.latestVersion.content | match("version: ([^\n]+)").captures[0].string'

    Example output.


    Issue the following command to download the version of the Palette agent for your dedicated or on-prem instance. Replace <stylus-version> with your output from the previous step.

    curl --location --output ./<stylus-version>/
  7. Grant execution permissions to the installation script.

    chmod +x ./
  8. Issue the following command to install the agent on your host.

    sudo --preserve-env ./

    The termination of the SSH connection, as shown in the example below, confirms that the script has completed its tasks.

    Connection to closed by remote host.
    Connection to closed.

Upon agent installation, the host will reboot to the registration screen and use the provided EdgeHostToken for automatic registration with Palette. The host will be registered in the same project where the registration token was created.


  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. Select Clusters from the left Main Menu.

  3. Select the Edge Hosts tab and verify your host is displayed and marked as Healthy in the table.

Appliance Mode

In Appliance Mode, you follow the EdgeForge workflow to provision your edge hosts. The EdgeForge workflow requires a provider image and an installer ISO to be built.

The provider image is a Kairos-based image that provides an immutable OS and Kubernetes runtime components for a specified Kubernetes version. The installer ISO partitions the disk, installs required dependencies including the Palette agent, registers the host with Palette, and sets up user and security configurations.

Once these artifacts are built, you can use them to provision your edge hosts on existing hardware.


Appliance mode requires the following components:

  • A Linux machine to build the required Edge artifacts.
  • Physical or virtual machines ready to be used as edge hosts.
  • A physical or virtual Linux machine with AMD64 (also known as x86_64) processor architecture to build the Edge artifacts. You can issue the following command in the terminal to check your processor architecture.

    uname --machine
  • Minimum hardware configuration of the Linux machine:

    • 4 CPU
    • 8 GB memory
    • 50 GB storage
  • Git. You can ensure git installation by issuing the git --version command.

  • (Optional) Earthly is installed and available. If you do not install Earthly, you can still build the artifacts, but it will require root privileges, and some of the resulting artifacts will be owned by the root user.

  • An image management tool such as Docker or crane is installed and available.

    • If you do not install Earthly, you must install Docker.
  • Palette registration token for pairing Edge hosts with Palette. You will need tenant admin access to Palette to generate a new registration token. For detailed instructions, refer to the Create Registration Token guide.

  • An account with an image registry that will store the provider image, for example, Docker Hub.

    In the Register Edge Host in Appliance Mode steps, the example uses the image registry. This image registry is free to use and does not require a sign-up. Images pushed to are ephemeral and will expire after the 24 hours.

Register Edge Host in Appliance Mode

Use the following instructions on your build host to customize the arguments and Dockerfile, and then create all the required Edge artifacts.

  1. Check out the CanvOS GitHub repository containing the starter code.

    git clone
  2. Change to the CanvOS/ directory.

    cd CanvOS
  3. View the available git tag.

    git tag
  4. Check out the newest available tag. This guide uses v4.5.15 tag as an example.

    git checkout v4.5.15
  5. In the repository, review the files relevant for this guide.

    • .arg.template - A sample .arg file that defines arguments to use during the build process.
    • k8s_version.json - Lists all supported Kubernetes versions for each Kubernetes distribution.
    • Dockerfile - Embeds the arguments and other configurations in the image.
    • user-data.template - A sample user-data file.
  6. Issue the following command to create the .arg file with the customizable arguments. Adjust the parameters to your requirements. Refer to the Edge Artifact Build Configurations table for descriptions of all the parameters you can use.

    • You must specify a supported OS for your edge hosts. Palette supports the same operating systems as AWS. Refer to Prepare operating system for hybrid nodes for details.
    • If specifying a Docker Hub registry, your IMAGE_REGISTRY value should be entered as<docker-id>. Replace <docker-id> with your Docker ID. This ensures the final artifact name conforms to the Docker Hub image name syntax - [HOST]/[DOCKER-ID]/[REPOSITORY]:[TAG].
    • The K8S_DISTRIBUTION argument must be set to nodeadm to ensure compatibility with EKS Hybrid Nodes.
    • For K8S_VERSION, review the k8s_version.json file for supported versions for nodeadm.
    • The OS_VERSION argument can be omitted when not specifying OS_DISTRIBUTION as ubuntu.
    cat << EOF > .arg

    View the newly created file to ensure the customized arguments are set correctly.

    cat .arg

    Example output.


    Based on the arguments defined in the .arg file, the final provider image name will have the following naming pattern, $IMAGE_REGISTRY/$IMAGE_REPO:$K8S_DISTRIBUTION-$K8S_VERSION-$PE-VERSION-$CUSTOM_TAG. $PE_VERSION refers to the Palette Edge agent version, which is automatically determined. Using the example output, the image name would be

  7. (Optional) This step is only required if your builds occur in a proxied network environment, and your proxy servers require client certificates, or if your base image is in a registry that requires client certificates.

    You can provide the base-64 encoded certificates in PEM format in the certs folder at the root directory of the CanvOS repository. You can provide as many certificates as you need in the folder.

    If you are using a CanvOS tag that is earlier than 4.5.15, you need to add the PROXY_CERT_PATH build argument to provide a path to the certificate. This should be added to the .arg file that was created in the previous step. This approach only allows you to specify one certificate. For more information, refer to Edge Artifact Build Configurations.


    These proxy settings are only configured for the build process itself, when your builder machine needs to pull certain images to build the Edge artifacts. These certificates will not be present on the host after it has been deployed. To configure the proxy network settings for a host, refer to Configure HTTP Proxy or Configure Proxy Settings in User Data.

  8. You can install tools and dependencies and configure the image to meet your needs by using the Dockerfile. Add your customizations below the Add any other image customizations here comment in the Dockerfile. Do not edit or add any lines before this tagged comment.


    You can issue the following command to append instructions to install WireGuard in the Dockerfile.

    echo 'RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --assume-yes --no-install-recommends wireguard && rm --recursive --force /var/lib/apt/lists/*' >> Dockerfile

    View the newly created file to ensure the instruction to install WireGuard is appended correctly.

    cat Dockerfile

    Example output, shortened for brevity.

    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --assume-yes --no-install-recommends wireguard && rm --recursive --force /var/lib/apt/lists/*
  9. Issue the following command to save your Palette tenant registration token to a local variable. Replace <registration-token> with your actual registration token.

    export token=<registration-token>
  10. Use the following command to create the user-data file. The command creates the minimal recommended configuration and you should adjust this file to your requirements. Refer to Prepare User Data for common configuration options, validation steps, and full user data samples. The Edge Installer Configuration Reference article also provides guidance on all available options.

    You can edit user data in Local UI after installation. However, we still recommend you provide user data during this workflow for production workloads. This is because not all user data fields can be updated in Local UI.

    • The edge host must be deployed in connected mode, which is the default when stylus.installationMode is omitted.
    • Replace <registration-token> with your Palette tenant registration token.
    • Replace <palette-project-uid> with the Palette project ID the Edge host should pair with. This field is only required if your Palette tenant registration token was not assigned to a project, or you want to assign the edge host to a different project.
    • The install block shown in the command is required to ensure compatibility with EKS Hybrid Nodes. This should not be adjusted or removed in your final user-data file.
    • The stages.initramfs block is optional and can be adjusted or removed depending on your requirements. If using this example, replace <ssh-public-key> with your SSH public key.
    • If you need to pull images from a private image registry, supply the credentials for the registry in a stylus.registryCredentials block.
    cat << EOF > user-data
    edgeHostToken: <registration-token>
    projectUid: <palette-project-uid>

    - /eks-hybrid
    - /eks-hybrid
    - /etc/aws
    - /etc/containerd
    - /etc/eks
    - /etc/iam
    - /etc/modules-load.d
    - /var/lib/amazon

    - users:
    - sudo
    - <ssh-public-key>

    You can follow the steps in Validate User Data to validate your user-data file after creation.

  11. CanvOS utility uses Earthly to build the target artifacts. Issue the following command to start the build process.

    earthly +build-all-images
    # Output condensed for readability
    ========================== 🌍 Earthly Build ✅ SUCCESS ==========================

    If you plan to build the Edge Installer ISO using a content bundle, use the +build-provider-images option instead of the +build-all-images option in the command above. The command sudo ./ +build-provider-images will build the provider images but not the Edge installer ISO. After the provider images are built, follow the steps in the Build Content Bundle guide to build the Edge installer ISO using a content bundle.

    This command may take up to 15-20 minutes to finish depending on the resources of the host machine. Upon completion, the command will output the manifest. Note that the system.* parameter values in the manifest are the same as what you defined earlier in the .arg file.

    Copy and save the output attributes in a notepad or clipboard as you will use this output when creating the cluster profile for your hybrid node pools.

    Example manifest output.

    - image: "{{.spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.uri}}"
    # Below config is default value, please uncomment if you want to modify default values
    #cordon: true
    #timeout: 60 # The length of time to wait before giving up, zero means infinite
    #gracePeriod: 60 # Period of time in seconds given to each pod to terminate gracefully. If negative, the default value specified in the pod will be used
    #ignoreDaemonSets: true
    #deleteLocalData: true # Continue even if there are pods using emptyDir (local data that will be deleted when the node is drained)
    #force: true # Continue even if there are pods that do not declare a controller
    #disableEviction: false # Force drain to use delete, even if eviction is supported. This will bypass checking PodDisruptionBudgets, use with caution
    #skipWaitForDeleteTimeout: 60 # If pod DeletionTimestamp older than N seconds, skip waiting for the pod. Seconds must be greater than 0 to skip.
    system.uri: "{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.registry }}/{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.repo }}:{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.k8sDistribution }}-{{ .spectro.system.kubernetes.version }}-{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.peVersion }}-{{ .spectro.pack.edge-native-byoi.options.system.customTag }}"

    system.repo: ubuntu
    system.k8sDistribution: nodeadm
    system.osName: ubuntu
    system.peVersion: v4.5.15
    system.customTag: eks-hybrid
    system.osVersion: 22
  12. Once the build is complete, confirm that the Edge Installer ISO and its checksum were created correctly. The filenames will match the ISO_NAME argument defined in your .arg file.

    ls build

    Example output.

  13. List the Docker images to review the provider images created. You can identify the provider images by using CUSTOM_TAG argument defined in your .arg file.

    docker images --filter=reference='*/*:*eks-hybrid'

    Example output.

    REPOSITORY          TAG                                 IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE nodeadm-1.30.0-v4.5.15-eks-hybrid 1234a567b890 24 minutes ago 3.67GB
  14. Use the following commands to push the provider images to the image registry you specified. Replace <repository> and <tag> using the output from the previous step.


    If using Docker Hub, you may need to log in first using docker login. Provide your Docker ID and password when prompted.

    docker push <repository>:<tag>


    docker push

    The following example output confirms that the image was pushed to the registry with the correct tag.

    # Lines omitted for readability
    nodeadm-1.30.0-v4.5.15-eks-hybrid: digest: sha256:xyz123... size: 19917
  15. Provision your edge hosts using the installer ISO created in the build directory. You can use the following sections to help you:

Ensure your edge hosts are fully provisioned, configured, and active before performing validation.


Use the following sections to help check that your edge host is ready to be used as an Amazon EKS Hybrid Node.

Palette Edge Host Registration

  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. Select Clusters from the left Main Menu.

  3. Select the Edge Hosts tab and verify your host is displayed and marked as Healthy in the table.

Network Connectivity

  • Verify that you can connect to the edge host through SSH using your private key.

    For example, issue the following command and replace <privateKey>, <sshUsername>, and <hostIpAddress> with your SSH private key, SSH username on the host, and the host IP address respectively.

    ssh -i <pathToPrivateKey> <sshUsername>@<hostIpAddress> exit
  • Verify that the edge host has outbound access to the internet.

  • Verify that the edge host has outbound connectivity to Spectro Cloud services and ports.

    For example, if you have netcat installed, issue the following command on the edge host to check whether the domain is accessible on port 443.

    nc -z -v 443

    Example output, if successful.

    Connection to port 443 [tcp/https] succeeded!
  • Verify that the edge host has outbound connectivity to the required AWS EKS domains and ports. Refer to the Access required during hybrid node installation and upgrade and Access required for ongoing cluster operations sections for listed guidance.

    For example, if you have netcat installed, issue the following command on the edge host to check whether the domain is accessible on port 443.

    nc -z -v 443

    Example output, if successful.

    Connection to port 443 [tcp/https] succeeded!

    A table showing the required domains and ports for an example region can be found in the Configure Remote Network section during step 2.

  • Verify that the edge host has the necessary ports available exclusively for Cilium operations.

    For example, issue the following command on the edge host to check whether port 4240 is being used on the edge host.

    sudo lsof -i :4240

    If the command returns no output, this typically indicates that the port is free.

Package Manager Index

  • Verify that your edge host package manager has an up-to-date package index. This is to ensure that dependency packages for nodeadm can be successfully downloaded and installed when creating hybrid node pools.

    For example, on Ubuntu, you would issue the following command.

    sudo apt-get update

    Adjust to your operating system and package manager on your edge host.

Next Steps

Complete the remaining sections as highlighted in Prepare Environment.