Import EKS Cluster and Enable Hybrid Mode
This section guides you on how to import an existing Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster, enable hybrid mode, and configure a Container Network Interface (CNI) add-on cluster profile for your Amazon EKS Hybrid Nodes.
The following limitations apply after importing an existing Amazon EKS cluster.
- You cannot use full cluster profiles on the imported cluster. You are limited to using add-on profiles when deploying
cluster profiles to imported clusters.
- This does not include full cluster profiles that are specifically created for hybrid node pools. Refer to Create Hybrid Node Pools for further details.
- You cannot download the cluster's kubeconfig file from Palette. You must use AWS to access the kubeconfig file.
- Cilium must be used as the CNI, as outlined in the Import Amazon EKS Cluster and Enable Hybrid Mode steps.
Import Amazon EKS Cluster and Enable Hybrid Mode
Import your Amazon EKS cluster and enable hybrid mode to be able to create edge host node pools.
Access to an AWS cloud account.
Palette integration with AWS account. Review Add an AWS Account tp Palette for guidance.
Your Palette account role must have the
permission to import a cluster profile. Refer to the Cluster Profile permissions for guidance. -
Kubernetes version 1.19.X or later on the cluster you are importing.
Ensure your environment has network access to Palette SaaS. Refer to Palette IP Addresses for guidance.
Ensure kubectl is installed and available in your local workstation.
Access to your Amazon EKS cluster through kubectl.
To access your cluster with kubectl, you can use the AWS CLI's built-in authentication capabilities. If you are using a custom OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider, you will need to configure your kubeconfig to use your OIDC provider.
Refer to the Access Imported Cluster with Kubectl section for more information.
All networking prerequisites completed for hybrid nodes. Refer to Prepare networking for hybrid nodes for guidance. You will need to provide the following details during the import steps:
- The Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) range where your EKS cluster resides.
- The CIDR ranges for hybrid nodes in other networks that need to connect to this cluster.
- The CIDR ranges for hybrid pods in other networks that need to connect to this cluster.
All credentials prerequisites completed for hybrid nodes. Refer to Prepare credentials for hybrid nodes for guidance.
If you are using Systems Manager, you will need to provide the following details during the import steps:
- The Activation ID assigned by AWS Systems Manager when creating an activation. This ID is used to associate hybrid nodes with your AWS account in Systems Manager.
- The Activation Code that is generated alongside the Activation ID. It is required to authenticate hybrid nodes with AWS Systems Manager.
If you are using IAM Roles Anywhere, you will need to provide the following details during the import steps:
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM Roles Anywhere profile that defines which roles can be assumed by hybrid nodes.
- The ARN of the IAM role specified in the IAM Roles Anywhere profile that defines the permissions and policies for roles that can be assumed by hybrid nodes.
- The ARN of the IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor that contains your certificate authority configuration.
- The PEM-encoded certificate of your Certificate Authority (CA) that serves as the trust anchor. This certificate is used by IAM Roles Anywhere to validate the authenticity of the client certificates presented by your hybrid nodes.
- The private key corresponding to your CA certificate, used to sign client certificates.
An existing Amazon EKS cluster that has been enabled for hybrid nodes. Refer to Create an Amazon EKS cluster with hybrid nodes for guidance.
- When selecting add-ons, you must use AWS VPC CNI as your container network interface as it is needed for cloud worker nodes to function. If you are deploying through the AWS Console, a warning may state that AWS VPC CNI is not supported for hybrid nodes. You can ignore this message.
- Your Amazon EKS cluster must include at least one worker node to host the Palette agent, which is necessary for
Palette to manage the cluster. Because of EKS architecture constraints, the agent cannot be installed on the control
- The minimum instance type required is t3.xlarge with at least 20 GB of storage.
- Be sure at least one worker node is always available so Palette can continue managing the cluster.
A Hybrid Nodes IAM Role with the required Kubernetes permissions to join your Amazon EKS cluster. Refer to Prepare cluster access for hybrid nodes for guidance.
Import Cluster
Log in to Palette.
Navigate to the left Main Menu and select Clusters.
Click on Add New Cluster and select Import Cluster in the pop-up box.
Fill out the required information.
Field Description Cluster Name The name of the cluster you want to import. Ensure it matches the cluster name in AWS. Cloud Type The cloud infrastructure type. Select Amazon from the drop-down Menu. Host Path (Optional) Specify the CA file path for the cluster. This is the location on the physical host machine where the CA file is stored. Container Mount Path (Optional) Specify the container mount path where the CA file is mounted in the container. Import mode The Palette permission mode for the imported cluster. Select Full-permission mode. -
Click on Create & Open Cluster Instance to start the import.
You will be redirected to the cluster details page. A set of instructions with commands is displayed on the right side of the screen.
Click the clipboard icon to copy the kubectl command to your clipboard.
Open a terminal session and issue the kubectl command from your clipboard against the Amazon EKS cluster you want to import. The command is customized for your cluster as it contains the assigned cluster ID.
tipRefer to Access Imported Cluster with Kubectl for guidance on setting up kubectl to access your cluster.
Example command.
kubectl apply --filename
Example output.
namespace/cluster-674f4e3ad861bb1009be468a created
serviceaccount/cluster-management-agent created configured
configmap/log-parser-config created
configmap/upgrade-info-9dtbh55tkc created
configmap/version-info-g9kt4cdkg4 created configured
deployment.apps/cluster-management-agent-lite created
configmap/cluster-info created
configmap/hubble-info created
secret/hubble-secrets created configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured configured
serviceaccount/palette-manager created configured
configmap/palette-version-info-6ktgm4hgdh created configured
deployment.apps/palette-lite-controller-manager created
job.batch/palette-import-presetup-job created -
Wait for your cluster health to transition to Healthy. This will take a few minutes after issuing the agent install command in the previous step.
Once your cluster displays as Healthy, click Settings in the top-right corner to reveal the drop-down Menu, and select Cluster Settings.
Select Hybrid Configuration from the Settings Menu, and click on the Enable hybrid mode toggle.
Fill out the required information.
Field Description Example VPC CIDR The VPC CIDR range where your EKS cluster resides.
Remote Node CIDRs The CIDR ranges for hybrid nodes in other networks that need to connect to this cluster.
Remote Pod CIDRs The CIDR ranges for hybrid pods in other networks that need to connect to this cluster.
Access Management The Access Management mode for the Amazon EKS Hybrid Nodes. Select either Systems Manager or IAM Roles Anywhere. -
If selecting Systems Manager, you must provide the following additional details.
Field Description Example Activation ID The Activation ID assigned by AWS Systems Manager when creating an activation. This ID is used to associate hybrid nodes with your AWS account in Systems Manager. 5743558d-563b-4457-8682-d16c3EXAMPLE
Activation Code The Activation Code that is generated alongside the Activation ID. It is required to authenticate hybrid nodes with AWS Systems Manager. -
If selecting IAM Roles Anywhere, you must provide the following additional details.
Field Description Example Profile ARN The ARN of the IAM Roles Anywhere profile that defines which roles can be assumed by hybrid nodes. arn:aws:rolesanywhere:us-east-2:123456789012:profile/abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv
Role ARN The ARN of the IAM role specified in the IAM Roles Anywhere profile that defines the permissions and policies for roles that can be assumed by hybrid nodes. arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/IRAHybridNodesRole
Trust Anchor ARN The ARN of the IAM Roles Anywhere trust anchor that contains your certificate authority configuration. arn:aws:rolesanywhere:us-east-2:123456789012:trust-anchor/abcd1234-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv
Root CA Certificate The PEM-encoded certificate of your CA that serves as the trust anchor. This certificate is used by IAM Roles Anywhere to validate the authenticity of the client certificates presented by your hybrid nodes. Root CA Private Key The private key corresponding to your CA certificate, used to sign client certificates. -
Click Save Changes when complete.
If you are using IAM Roles Anywhere, check whether the
ConfigMap exists.kubectl get configmap aws-auth --namespace kube-system
Output if the ConfigMap is found.
aws-auth 1 15dIf it does not exist, you will receive an error similar to
Error from server (NotFound): configmaps "aws-auth" not found
. -
If the
ConfigMap does not exist, create the following ConfigMap in thekube-system
namespace using the following command.Replace
with the Role ARN entry from step 13.kubectl create --filename=/dev/stdin <<-EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: aws-auth
namespace: kube-system
mapRoles: |
- groups:
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
rolearn: <roleArn>
username: system:node:{{SessionName}}
If the
ConfigMap already exists, append themapRoles
entry in your existing ConfigMap.You can edit the existing configmap using the following command.
kubectl edit configmap aws-auth --namespace kube-system
The following example shows the
entry appended below an existing entry. Replace<roleArn>
with the Role ARN entry from step 13.apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: aws-auth
namespace: kube-system
mapRoles: |
- groups:
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
rolearn: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/eks-nodegroup-example
username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
- groups:
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
rolearn: <roleArn>
username: system:node:{{SessionName}} -
If you need to configure proxies for edge host communication or you plan to specify a VPN server IP for one or more edge hosts, create a ConfigMap using the following template.
You can omit the
entries if they are not required.apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: hybrid-config
namespace: kube-system
serviceCIDR: "<serviceCidrIp>" # Only required if using a proxy configuration for edge hosts. If not specified, defaults to
vpcCIDR: "<vpcCidrIp>" # Only required if a VPN server IP is configured for one or more edge hosts. No default value. -
with your hybrid pod CIDR list. For example,
. TheserviceCIDR
to prevent Kubernetes service traffic from routing through the proxy server. -
with your hybrid node CIDR list. For example,
. ThevpcCIDR
defines the network range for VPC resources to ensure proper routing through the VPN. -
Apply the ConfigMap to your cluster.
Example command.
kubectl create --filename=/dev/stdin <<-EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: hybrid-config
namespace: kube-system
serviceCIDR: ""
vpcCIDR: ""
Log in to Palette.
Navigate to the left Main Menu and select Clusters.
Click on the cluster you created to view its details in the Overview tab.
Ensure the Cluster Status field displays Running.
Configure CNI for Hybrid Nodes
You need to configure a CNI for Amazon EKS Hybrid Nodes as the standard Amazon EKS VPC CNI lacks hybrid node support. Cilium handles IP Address Management (IPAM) and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for non-AWS nodes.
Your Palette account role must have the
permission to import a cluster profile. Refer to the Cluster Profile permissions for guidance. -
If enabling Cilium Envoy or other Cilium add-ons, you must also complete the following prerequisites:
Ensure kubectl is installed and available in your local workstation.
Access to your Amazon EKS cluster through kubectl.
To access your cluster with kubectl, you can use the AWS CLI's built-in authentication capabilities. If you are using a custom OIDC provider, you will need to configure your kubeconfig to use your OIDC provider.
Refer to the Access Imported Cluster with Kubectl section for more information.
Add CNI Cluster Profile
Log in to Palette.
From the left Main Menu, select Profiles.
On the Profiles page, click Add Cluster Profile.
Fill out the basic information and ensure Type is set to Add-on. Click Next when done.
In Profile Layers, click Add New Pack.
Enter Cilium in the search box, and select it. It appears in the Network category and must be version 1.16.0 or above.
Click the Presets drop-down Menu.
For IPAM mode, select Cluster Pool.
In the YAML editor, search for clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList. This parameter specifies the CIDR ranges from which pod IPs will be allocated across all your hybrid nodes.
Adjust the pod CIDR list for hybrid pods in other networks that need to connect to this cluster. This should match the Remote Pod CIDRs value defined in step 11 during the Import Cluster steps. For example,
. -
In the YAML editor, search for clusterPoolIPv4MaskSize. This parameter defines the size of each per-node CIDR block.
Adjust the mask size based on your required pods per hybrid node. For example,
would provides 126 usable pod IPs for each node. -
In the Presets, find the cilium-agent - Hybrid Nodes Affinity option, and select Amazon EKS.
This will add the following entry to
. No changes are required afterwards.nodeAffinity:
- matchExpressions:
- key:
operator: In
- hybridinfoThe Cilium DaemonSet is configured to operate on your hybrid nodes only. If no hybrid nodes are present in your cluster, the DaemonSet will remain inactive.
Click Confirm & Create.
Click Next, and then click Finish Configuration.
From the left Main Menu, select Clusters.
Select your cluster to view its Overview tab.
Select the Profile tab, and click Attach Profile.
Select the Cilium add-on profile that was created, and click Confirm.
In the Cluster profiles page, click Save. This will add the profile to your cluster.
If enabling Cilium Envoy or other Cilium add-ons, you must apply the following label to all AWS cloud worker nodes. "true"
This ensures that Kubernetes does not attempt to schedule Cilium add-on pods on these nodes, which are reserved for your hybrid nodes.
Example command.
kubectl label node <node1> <node2> <node3>
Log in to Palette.
Navigate to the left Main Menu and select Clusters.
Click on your cluster to view its details in the Overview tab.
Check that the Cilium layer is listed in your Cluster Profiles.
Access Imported Cluster with Kubectl
You can access your imported Amazon EKS cluster by using the kubectl CLI, which requires authentication.
Default AWS Authentication
To access an Amazon EKS cluster with the AWS CLI's built-in authentication, you need to do the following:
Configure your AWS CLI credentials. Refer to Configuration and Credential File Settings for guidance.
Ensure you have the following IAM permissions to download the kubeconfig and access the Amazon EKS cluster. Refer to Amazon EKS identity-based policy examples for guidance.
Download the kubeconfig file from the Amazon EKS cluster. Refer to Connect kubectl to an EKS cluster for guidance.
Once you have downloaded your kubeconfig, you can use kubectl to access your cluster and apply manifests.
Custom OIDC Provider
To access an Amazon EKS cluster with a custom OIDC provider, you need to do the following:
If you have not yet installed an OIDC provider for your cluster, install kubelogin. We recommend kubelogin for its ease of authentication. Visit Grant users access to Kubernetes with an external OIDC provider to learn how to associate an OIDC identity provider with your cluster.
Ensure your OIDC user or group is mapped to an
Kubernetes RBAC Role or ClusterRole. To learn how to map a Kubernetes role to users and groups, refer to Create Role Bindings. For an example, refer to Use RBAC with OIDC. -
Configure your AWS CLI credentials. Refer to Configuration and Credential File Settings for guidance.
Ensure you have the following IAM permission to download the kubeconfig from the Amazon EKS cluster. Refer to Amazon EKS identity-based policy examples for guidance.
Download the kubeconfig file from the Amazon EKS cluster. Refer to Connect kubectl to an EKS cluster for guidance.
- Once the kubeconfig is downloaded, you must configure it to use your OIDC provider. Refer to Using kubectl for guidance.
Once you have downloaded your kubeconfig and configured it to use your OIDC provider, you can use kubectl to access your cluster and apply manifests.
Next Steps
Learn how to create a hybrid node pool on your cluster and add your edge hosts to the pool. Refer to the Create Hybrid Node Pools guide to start creating your node pools.