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Migrate to Full Permissions


  • An imported cluster in read-only mode. Refer to the Import a Cluster guide to learn how to import a cluster into Palette.

  • Ensure kubectl is installed and available in your local workstation.

  • Access to your cluster environment through kubectl.

Migrate to Full Permissions

  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. Navigate to the left Main Menu and select Clusters.

  3. Select your imported cluster from the cluster list.

  4. From the cluster details page, click on Migrate To Full Permissions to start the migration process. A prompt will ask you to confirm your decision. Select OK.

    The cluster details view with an arrow pointing to the migrate button

  5. A side view drawer will slide out from the right side of the cluster details page. Copy the displayed command to your clipboard.

  6. Open a terminal on your local workstation and validate you are in the correct Kubernete context. You can use the following command to verify the Kubernetes context. If you find yourself in an incorrect Kubernetes context, switch to the proper context so you are interacting with the imported cluster when using kubectl.

    kubectl config current-context
  7. Issue the command you copied in your terminal to start the migration. Your terminal output will look similar to the example output below.

    namespace/cluster-6495ea8d4c39b720c58a5f5f configured
    serviceaccount/cluster-management-agent unchanged created
    configmap/log-parser-config unchanged
    configmap/upgrade-info-8kfc2m8mt8 unchanged
    configmap/version-info-kbk5hk992f unchanged
    secret/spectro-image-pull-secret unchanged configured
    deployment.apps/cluster-management-agent-lite configured
    configmap/cluster-info unchanged
    configmap/hubble-info unchanged
    secret/hubble-secrets configured created created created created created created created created created created created created created created
    serviceaccount/palette-manager created created
    configmap/palette-version-info-dd8mkdffbt created created
    deployment.apps/palette-lite-controller-manager created
    job.batch/palette-import-presetup-job created
  8. In a few minutes, the side drawer will disappear, and the Profile, Workloads, Scan, and Backups tabs will become unlocked and available for interaction.

    A cluster details page with an imported cluster after a completed migration

You now have successfully migrated a read-only mode cluster to full-permissions mode. Imported clusters in full-permissions mode allow Palette to manage more Day-2 activities. You can also now deploy add-on cluster profiles to the cluster. Refer to the Attach an Add-on Profile guide to learn more.


  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. Navigate to the left Main Menu and select Clusters.

  3. Select your imported cluster from the cluster list.

  4. Review the Cluster Status row from the cluster details view. A successful cluster import displays cluster status as Running.