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SSH Usernames

This page lists the Secure Shell (SSH) user names created on Kubernetes nodes, which vary by provider and Operating System (OS).

These user names are relevant when using SSH key pairs with your Palette host clusters.

Public Cloud

Public Cloud includes both Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Managed Kubernetes.

Infrastructure Provider

ProviderOS PackSSH Username
AWS IaaSUbuntuubuntu
AWS IaaSCentOScentos
Azure IaaSUbuntuubuntu
Azure IaaSCentOScentos
GCP IaaSUbuntuubuntu
GCP IaaSCentOScentos

Managed Kubernetes

ProviderOS PackSSH Username
AWS EKSAmazon EKS optimized Linuxec2-user
Azure AKSLinuxazureuser
GCP GKEContainer-Optimized OSRefer to the SSH Configuration on GCP GKE section.

SSH Configuration on GCP GKE

It is not possible to configure GCP GKE clusters with an SSH key during cluster creation. If SSH access to your GCP GKE nodes is critical, consider one of the following options:

Data Center

ProviderOS PackSSH Username
VMware vSphereUbuntuspectro
VMware vSphereCentOSspectro


This is dependent on the OS you provide for your edge hosts using either Agent Mode or EdgeForge.

If using EdgeForge, you can also create custom users and assign SSH keys to them using cloud-init stages. Refer to Cloud Init Stages for an example.

Bring Your Own OS

You can select Bring Your Own OS (BYOOS) as the OS pack for your cluster in Palette. The default SSH username will depend on the OS image that you have built. Refer to Bring Your Own OS (BYOOS) for further guidance on building custom images.

  • For images built using the Kubernetes Image Builder, the SSH username is defined as the value for ssh_username in the corresponding OS JSON file. For example, the Amazon Linux 2 JSON sets the ssh_username value as ec2-user.

    If ssh_username is not defined in the OS JSON, then root is set by the Bring Your Own OS (BYOOS) pack.

  • For images built for VMware vSphere, the SSH username is set to spectro by Palette.
