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Rocky and Palette eXtended Kubernetes

This guide teaches you how to use the CAPI Image Builder tool in an airgapped environment to create a custom Rocky Linux image with Palette eXtended Kubernetes (PXK) for clusters that target VMware vSphere.

tech preview
This is a Tech Preview feature and is subject to change. Do not use this feature in production workloads.


  • Access to a VMware vSphere environment, including credentials and permission to create virtual machines.

  • An airgapped instance of Palette or VerteX deployed in VMware vSphere.

  • SSH access to the VMware vSphere airgap support VM utilized to deploy the airgapped instance of Palette or Vertex.

  • The following artifacts must be available in the root home directory of the airgap support VM. You can download the files in a system with internet access and then transfer them to your airgap environment.

    • CAPI Image Builder compressed archive file. Contact your Palette support representative to obtain the latest version of the tool. This guide uses version 4.4.4 of the tool as an example.
    • Rocky Linux ISO version 8-latest. Ensure you download the x86_64 DVD ISO and not the x86_64 BOOT ISO, and make sure you have its SHA256 checksum available. This guide uses Rocky 8 as an example. Refer to the Configuration Reference page for details on supported operating systems.
    • Airgap Kubernetes pack binary of the version for which the image will be generated. This guide uses version 1.28.9 as an example. Refer to the Additional Packs page for instructions on how to download the binary. Additionally, check the supported Kubernetes versions in the Compatibility Matrix.

Build Custom Image

  1. Open a terminal window and SSH into the airgap support VM using the command below. Replace /path/to/private_key with the path to the private SSH key and with the IP address or hostname of the airgap support VM.

    ssh -i /path/to/private_key
  2. Switch to the root user account to complete the remaining steps.

    sudo --login
  3. Ensure all the artifacts listed in the Prerequisites section are available in the root home directory of the airgap support VM.

    airgap-pack-kubernetes-1.28.9.bin  bin  capi-image-builder-v4.4.4.tgz  prep  Rocky-8-latest-x86_64-dvd.iso  snap

    The following steps will use these file names as an example. Adjust the commands if you downloaded the artifacts with different names.

  4. Extract the CAPI Image Builder file.

    tar --extract --gzip --file=capi-image-builder-v4.4.4.tgz
  5. Update the permissions of the output folder to allow the CAPI Builder tool to create directories and files within it.

    chmod a+rwx output
  6. Move the Rocky Linux ISO file to the output folder.

    mv Rocky-8-latest-x86_64-dvd.iso output/
  7. Copy the ks.cfg.rocky8 file from the kickstart folder to the output folder as ks.cfg.

    cp kickstart/ks.cfg.rocky8 output/ks.cfg
  8. Copy the server.crt file from the /opt/spectro/ssl/ directory to the rpmrepo folder.

    cp /opt/spectro/ssl/server.crt rpmrepo/
  9. Open the imageconfig template file located in the output folder and fill in the required parameters. For a complete list of parameters, refer to the Configuration Reference page. Additionally, refer to the Compatibility Matrix for a list of supported Kubernetes versions and their corresponding dependencies.

    The imageconfig is the file you use to set up the CAPI Image Builder according to your requirements. This includes specifying the OS type, Kubernetes version, whether the image should be FIPS compliant, and more.

    Use the example configuration below for building a Rocky 8 CAPI image in an airgapped environment. Replace <iso-checksum> with the Rocky ISO checksum. Replace the VMware-related placeholders with the values from your VMware vSphere environment. Additionally, replace <airgap-vm-hostname> with the hostname or IP address of your airgap support VM.


    If you used the airgap support VM hostname during the execution of the script, ensure to enter the VM's hostname in the airgap_ip parameter. The same applies if you used the VM’s IP address.

     # Define the OS type and version here
    # os_version=rhel-8 | rhel-9 | rockylinux-8 | rockylinux-9
    # image_type=standard | fips

    # Define the image name
    # image_name=<Final Image Name to create>

    # Define the Cloud type
    # cloud_type=vmware

    # Define the Component Versions
    # containerd crictl and cni version update should be done
    # only if the images are available in the upstream repositories

    # Define RHEL subscription credentials(if $image_type=rhel)
    # used while image creation to use package manager
    # rhel_subscription_user=
    # rhel_subscription_pass=

    # Define ISO url(if image is rhel or rockylinux)

    # Define AWS infra details

    # Define Vmware infra details

    # Optional: for OVA based builds

    # Define Azure infra details

    # Define GCE infra details

    # Airgap Configuration

    To build a FIPS-compliant image, set image_type to fips.

    Once you are done making the alterations, save and exit the file.

  10. Load the CAPI Image Builder container image with the command below.

    docker load < capi-builder-v4.4.4.tar
  11. Load the Yum container image with the command below. The Yum container is used to serve the packages required by the CAPI Image Builder.

    docker load < yum-repo-v1.0.0.tar
  12. Confirm that both container images were loaded correctly.

    docker images
    REPOSITORY                                              TAG         IMAGE ID      CREATED       SIZE v4.4.4 34ae97fee5e3 10 days ago 2.59 GB v1.0.0 b03879039936 6 weeks ago 603 MB
  13. Start the Yum container and assign its ID to the BUILD_ID_YUM variable.

    BUILD_ID_YUM=$(docker run --volume /root/rpmrepo:/var/www/html/rpmrepo --publish 9000:80 --detach
  14. Execute the command below to visualize the Yum container logs.

    docker logs --follow $BUILD_ID_YUM

    Monitor the output until a Pool finished message appears, indicating that the process has completed successfully.

    # Output condensed for readability
    Directory walk started
    Directory walk done - 53 packages
    Temporary output repo path: /var/www/html/rpmrepo/.repodata/
    Preparing sqlite DBs
    Pool started (with 5 workers)
    Pool finished
  15. Issue the following command to upload the airgap Kubernetes pack to the airgap registry.

    chmod +x airgap-pack-kubernetes-1.28.9.bin && \
  16. Start the CAPI Image Builder container and assign the container ID to the BUILD_ID_CAPI variable. The tool will create and configure a VM named rocky-8 with Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) in your VMware vSphere environment. It will then generate a Rocky 8 CAPI image from the VM and save it to the output folder.

    BUILD_ID_CAPI=$(docker run --net=host --volume /root/output:/home/imagebuilder/output --detach

    If you need the VM to use static IP placement instead of DHCP, follow the steps described below.

    CAPI Image Builder with Static IP Placement
    1. Open the ks.cfg file located in the output folder. Find and replace the network line network --bootproto=dhcp --onboot=on --ipv6=auto --activate --hostname=capv.vm with the configuration below.

      network --bootproto=static --ip=<vcenter-static-ip-address> --netmask=<vcenter-netmask> --gateway=<vcenter-gateway> --nameserver=<vcenter-nameserver>

      Then, replace <vcenter-static-ip-address> with a valid IP address from your VMware vSphere environment, and <vcenter-netmask>, <vcenter-gateway>, and <vcenter-nameserver> with the correct values from your VMware vSphere environment.

      Once you are finished doing the alterations, save and exit the file.

    2. Issue the command below to start the CAPI Image Builder container and assign the container ID to the BUILD_ID_CAPI variable. The tool will use the imageconfig file to create and configure a VM with static IP placement in your VMware vSphere environment.

      BUILD_ID_CAPI=$(docker run --net=host --volume /home/ubuntu/output:/home/imagebuilder/output  --detach
  17. Execute the following command to view the CAPI Image Builder container logs and monitor the build progress.

    docker logs --follow $BUILD_ID_CAPI

    It may take a few minutes for the logs to start being displayed, and the build takes several minutes to complete.

  18. Once the build is complete, the Rocky 8 CAPI image will be downloaded to a folder named rocky-8 within the output directory on your airgap support VM, and the CAPI Image Builder VM will be deleted from VMware vSphere. Issue the command below to confirm that the build files are present in the output directory.

    ls output/rocky-8
    packer-manifest.json  rockylinux-8-kube-v1.28.9.ovf  rocky-8-disk-0.vmdk  rockylinux-8-kube-v1.28.9.ova  rocky-8.ovf rockylinux-8-kube-v1.28.9.ova.sha256
  19. Copy the rockylinux-8-kube-v1.28.9.ova file to the home directory of the airgap support VM.

    cp /root/output/rocky-8/rockylinux-8-kube-v1.28.9.ova /home/ubuntu/

    Next, open a new terminal window on your local machine and use the scp command to copy the rockylinux-8-kube-v1.28.9.ova file. Replace /path/to/private_key with the path to the private SSH key and with the IP address or hostname of the airgap support VM.

    scp -i /path/to/private_key .
  20. To make the image available in VMware vSphere, log in to your environment and locate the vcenter_folder you defined in step 10 of this guide.


    You can also use the following steps to make the image available in a VMware vSphere environment that is not connected to the one you used for building the image.

  21. Right-click the folder and select Deploy OVF Template to deploy a VM using the Rocky 8 OVA file that was built in step 16 of this guide.

  22. In the Deploy OVF Template wizard, click Local File, then Upload Files, and select the rockylinux-8-kube-v1.28.9.ova file from the folder on your local machine. Click Next to continue.

  23. Assign a name to the virtual machine, such as rockylinux-8-kube-v1.28.9, and select the folder you created previously as the target location. Click Next to proceed.

  24. Select a compute resource and click Next.

  25. Review the VM configuration, accept the license agreements, and click Next.

  26. Select the storage location and network configuration and click Next. Then, click Finish to deploy the VM.


    It takes a while for the VM to deploy, approximately 45 minutes or more. The download of the OVA file takes up the majority of the time. You can monitor the progress of this process in VMware vSphere by looking at the Recent Tasks tab and filtering the Task Name column by Deploy OVF Template.

  27. Once the VM is created, right-click it and select Convert to Template. This will convert the VM into a Rocky 8 image template that you can reference during the cluster profile creation.

Create Cluster Profile

The Rocky 8 image is now built and available in the VMware vSphere environment. You can use it to create a cluster profile and deploy a VMware vSphere host cluster.

  1. Log in to your airgapped instance of Palette or VerteX and select Profiles from the left Main Menu.

  2. Click Add Cluster Profile and follow the wizard to create a new profile.

  3. In the Basic Information section, assign the cluster profile a name and a brief description, and select the type as Full. Click Next.

  4. In the Cloud Type section, select VMware and click Next.

  5. The Profile Layers section is where you specify the packs that compose the profile. This guide uses the following packs as an example.

    Pack NameVersionLayer
    BYOOS1.0.0Operating System
    Palette eXtended Kubernetes1.28.9Kubernetes
    vSphere CSI3.2.0Storage

    Reference the custom Rocky 8 image template path in your VMware vSphere environment when populating the pack details for the BYOOS layer. For example, in the code snippet below, /Datacenter/vm/sp-docs/rockylinux-8-kube-v1.28.9 is the vSphere path to the image.

    osImageOverride: "/Datacenter/vm/sp-docs/rockylinux-8-kube-v1.28.9"
    osName: "rockylinux"
    osVersion: "8"

    As you fill out the information for each layer, click Next to proceed.


    The Palette eXtended Kubernetes pack version must match the Kubernetes version specified in the imageconfig file.

  6. Review the profile layers and click Finish Configuration to create the cluster profile.

  7. Deploy a VMware host cluster using the created cluster profile. Refer to the Create and Manage VMware Clusters guide for instructions on deploying a VMware host cluster.


  1. Log in to the VMware vSphere environment and navigate to the Inventory view.

  2. Select the VMs and Templates tab and verify the custom Rocky 8 image is available.