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Palette CLI

The Palette CLI contains various functionalities that you can use to interact with Palette and manage resources. The Palette CLI is well suited for Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and recommended for automation tasks, where Terraform or direct API queries are not ideal.

To get started with the Palette CLI, check out the Install guide.


The Palette CLI uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption to secure sensitive data. Several CLI commands require an encryption passphrase to be provided as either an environment variable or a CLI flag. Otherwise, you will be prompted to provide the passphrase when required. The passphrase must be between 8 to 32 characters long and contain a capital letter, a lowercase letter, a digit, and a special character.

Sensitive data, such as the Palette API key, passwords, and other credentials, are encrypted using the provided passphrase and stored in the CLI configuration files. The CLI decrypts the data using the same passphrase when required.


We recommend that you store the encryption passphrase in a secure location. If you lose the passphrase, you will have to set a new encryption passphrase and update the main Palette configuration file ~/.palette/palette.yaml and other configuration files with the new passphrase. Refer to the Update CLI Configuration Files Credentials guide for steps on updating the CLI configuration files with a new passphrase.

We recommend you set the PALETTE_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD environment variable to avoid providing the passphrase every time you issue a command that requires it. You can set the environment variable using the following command. Replace ************* with your passphrase.


Alternatively, you can provide the passphrase through the -k or --encryption-passphrase flag when issuing a command that requires the passphrase.
