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Deploy an AWS IaaS Cluster with Crossplane

Palette supports using Crossplane to create and manage Kubernetes host clusters across major infrastructure providers. This section guides you on how to use Crossplane to deploy a Palette-managed Kubernetes cluster in AWS.


  • A Palette account and API key. Refer to the Create API Key page for instructions on creating an API key.
  • A public AWS cloud account with the required IAM Policies.
  • An SSH key pair available in the region where you want to deploy the cluster. Check out the Create EC2 SSH Key Pair for guidance.
  • The AWS account must be registered in Palette. Follow the Add an AWS Account to Palette guide to register your account in Palette.
  • A Kubernetes cluster with at least 2 GB of RAM. This guide uses a kind cluster as an example. Refer to the kind Quick Start to learn how to install kind and create a cluster.
  • The following software is required and must be installed:
    • kubectl
    • Helm version v3.2.0 or later
    • curl
    • A text editor such as Vi or Nano. This guide uses Vi as an example.

Deploy an AWS IaaS Cluster with Crossplane

  1. Open up a terminal session and set the kubectl context to your kind cluster. Replace <kind-cluster-name> with the name of your cluster.

    kubectl cluster-info --context <kind-cluster-name>
    Kubernetes control plane is running at
    CoreDNS is running at
    To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
  2. Next, add the Crossplane Helm chart. This will enable Crossplane to install all its Kubernetes components.

    helm repo add \
    helm repo update
    "crossplane-stable" has been added to your repositories
    Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
    ...Successfully got an update from the "ngrok" chart repository
    ...Successfully got an update from the "crossplane-stable" chart repository
    ...Successfully got an update from the "stable" chart repository
    Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
  3. Install the Crossplane components using the helm install command.

    helm install crossplane \
    crossplane-stable/crossplane \
    --namespace crossplane-system \

    You can verify the installation with the kubectl get pods command. The output must contain two Crossplane pods in the Running status.

    kubectl get pods --namespace crossplane-system
    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    crossplane-869d89c8f8-7jc6c 1/1 Running 0 20s
    crossplane-rbac-manager-784b496b-8mr6z 1/1 Running 0 20s
  4. Once Crossplane is installed, create a folder to store the Kubernetes configuration files.

    mkdir crossplane-aws
  5. Use a text editor of your choice to create a file for the Palette Crossplane provider configuration.

    vi crossplane-aws/provider-palette.yaml
  6. Paste the following Kubernetes configuration into the text editor window that opens. Press the Escape key, type :wq, and press Enter to save the file and exit.

    kind: Provider
    name: provider-palette

    Access the Upbound Marketplace to get the latest version of the Palette Crossplane provider.

  7. Issue the command below to install the Palette Crossplane provider. Crossplane will install the CRDs that allow you to create Palette resources directly inside Kubernetes.

    kubectl apply --filename crossplane-aws/provider-palette.yaml

    You can check the installation with the kubectl get providers command.

    kubectl get providers
     NAME                          INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                                              AGE
    provider-palette True True crossplane-contrib/provider-palette:v0.12.0 61s
  8. Create a file to store a Kubernetes Secret containing your Palette API key. The Palette provider requires credentials to create and manage resources.

    vi crossplane-aws/secret-aws.yaml
  9. Paste the following Kubernetes configuration into the text editor window that opens. Replace <your-api-key> with your Palette API key and change the values of project_name and host according to your environment. Save the file and exit.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    name: palette-creds
    namespace: crossplane-system
    type: Opaque
    credentials: |
    "api_key": "<your-api-key>",
    "project_name": "Default",
    "host": ""
  10. Create the Kubernetes secret.

    kubectl apply --filename crossplane-aws/secret-aws.yaml
  11. Next, create a file to store the ProviderConfig object. This object configures the Palette Crossplane provider with the secret containing the Palette API key.

    vi crossplane-aws/providerconfig-aws.yaml
  12. Paste the content below into the text editor window, save the file and exit.

    kind: ProviderConfig
    name: default
    source: Secret
    name: palette-creds
    namespace: crossplane-system
    key: credentials
  13. Create the Kubernetes ProviderConfig object.

    kubectl apply --filename crossplane-aws/providerconfig-aws.yaml
  14. Once the Palette Crossplane provider is installed and set up, create a file to store the AWS cluster profile configuration.

    vi crossplane-aws/cluster-profile-aws.yaml
  15. Paste the Kubernetes configuration below into the text editor window that opens. Save the file and exit.

    kind: Profile
    name: aws-crossplane-cluster-profile
    namespace: crossplane-system
    cloud: "aws"
    description: "AWS Crossplane cluster profile"
    type: "cluster"
    - name: "ubuntu-aws"
    tag: "22.04"
    registryUid: "5eecc89d0b150045ae661cef"
    "# Spectro Golden images includes most of the hardening as per CIS Ubuntu Linux 22.04 LTS Server L1 v1.0.0
    standards\n\n# Uncomment below section to\n# 1. Include custom files to be copied over to the nodes
    and/or\n# 2. Execute list of commands before or after kubeadm init/join is
    executed\n#\n#kubeadmconfig:\n# preKubeadmCommands:\n# - echo \"Executing pre kube admin config
    commands\"\n# - update-ca-certificates\n# - 'systemctl restart containerd; sleep 3'\n# - 'while [ ! -S
    /var/run/containerd/containerd.sock ]; do echo \"Waiting for containerd...\"; sleep 1;
    done'\n# postKubeadmCommands:\n# - echo \"Executing post kube admin config commands\"\n# files:\n# -
    targetPath: /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/mycom.crt\n# targetOwner:
    \"root:root\"\n# targetPermissions: \"0644\"\n# content: |\n# -----BEGIN
    CERTIFICATE-----\n# MIICyzCCAbOgAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAVMRMwEQYDVQQDEwprdWJl\n# cm5ldGVzMB4XDTIwMDkyMjIzNDMyM1oXDTMwMDkyMDIzNDgyM1owFTETMBEGA1UE\n# AxMKa3ViZXJuZXRlczCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAMdA\n# nZYs1el/6f9PgV/aO9mzy7MvqaZoFnqO7Qi4LZfYzixLYmMUzi+h8/RLPFIoYLiz\n# qiDn+P8c9I1uxB6UqGrBt7dkXfjrUZPs0JXEOX9U/6GFXL5C+n3AUlAxNCS5jobN\n# fbLt7DH3WoT6tLcQefTta2K+9S7zJKcIgLmBlPNDijwcQsbenSwDSlSLkGz8v6N2\n# 7SEYNCV542lbYwn42kbcEq2pzzAaCqa5uEPsR9y+uzUiJpv5tDHUdjbFT8tme3vL\n# 9EdCPODkqtMJtCvz0hqd5SxkfeC2L+ypaiHIxbwbWe7GtliROvz9bClIeGY7gFBK\n# jZqpLdbBVjo0NZBTJFUCAwEAAaMmMCQwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgKkMBIGA1UdEwEB\n# /wQIMAYBAf8CAQAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBADIKoE0P+aVJGV9LWGLiOhki\n# HFv/vPPAQ2MPk02rLjWzCaNrXD7aPPgT/1uDMYMHD36u8rYyf4qPtB8S5REWBM/Y\n# g8uhnpa/tGsaqO8LOFj6zsInKrsXSbE6YMY6+A8qvv5lPWpJfrcCVEo2zOj7WGoJ\n# ixi4B3fFNI+wih8/+p4xW+n3fvgqVYHJ3zo8aRLXbXwztp00lXurXUyR8EZxyR+6\n# b+IDLmHPEGsY9KOZ9VLLPcPhx5FR9njFyXvDKmjUMJJgUpRkmsuU1mCFC+OHhj56\n# IkLaSJf6z/p2a3YjTxvHNCqFMLbJ2FvJwYCRzsoT2wm2oulnUAMWPI10vdVM+Nc=\n# -----END
    uid: "63bd0373764141c6622c3062"

    - name: "kubernetes"
    tag: "1.29.0"
    uid: "661cc50b0aa79b77ade281f9"
    registryUid: "5eecc89d0b150045ae661cef"
    "# Kube Controller Manager:loopback-ctrlmgr,Kube
    Scheduler:loopback-scheduler\npack:\n content:\n images:\n - image:\n - image:\n - image:\n - image:\n - image:\n - image:\n - image:\n - image:\n k8sHardening: True\n #CIDR Range
    for Pods in cluster\n # Note : This must not overlap with any of the host or service network\n podCIDR:
    \"\"\n #CIDR notation IP range from which to assign service cluster IPs\n # Note : This
    must not overlap with any IP ranges assigned to nodes for pods.\n serviceClusterIpRange:
    \"\"\n # serviceDomain: \"cluster.local\"\n\n# KubeAdm customization for kubernetes
    hardening. Below config will be ignored if k8sHardening property above is
    disabled\nkubeadmconfig:\n apiServer:\n extraArgs:\n # Note : secure-port flag is used during
    kubeadm init. Do not change this flag on a running cluster\n secure-port:
    \"6443\"\n anonymous-auth: \"true\"\n profiling: \"false\"\n disable-admission-plugins:
    \"AlwaysAdmit\"\n default-not-ready-toleration-seconds:
    \"60\"\n default-unreachable-toleration-seconds: \"60\"\n enable-admission-plugins:
    \"AlwaysPullImages,NamespaceLifecycle,ServiceAccount,NodeRestriction,PodSecurity\"\n admission-control-config-file:
    \"/etc/kubernetes/pod-security-standard.yaml\"\n audit-log-path:
    /var/log/apiserver/audit.log\n audit-policy-file:
    /etc/kubernetes/audit-policy.yaml\n audit-log-maxage: \"30\"\n audit-log-maxbackup:
    \"10\"\n audit-log-maxsize: \"100\"\n authorization-mode: RBAC,Node\n tls-cipher-suites:
    name: audit-log\n hostPath: /var/log/apiserver\n mountPath:
    /var/log/apiserver\n pathType: DirectoryOrCreate\n - name: audit-policy\n hostPath:
    /etc/kubernetes/audit-policy.yaml\n mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/audit-policy.yaml\n readOnly:
    true\n pathType: File\n - name: pod-security-standard\n hostPath:
    /etc/kubernetes/pod-security-standard.yaml\n mountPath:
    /etc/kubernetes/pod-security-standard.yaml\n readOnly: true\n pathType:
    File\n controllerManager:\n extraArgs:\n profiling: \"false\"\n terminated-pod-gc-threshold:
    \"25\"\n use-service-account-credentials: \"true\"\n feature-gates:
    \"RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true\"\n scheduler:\n extraArgs:\n profiling:
    \"false\"\n kubeletExtraArgs:\n read-only-port : \"0\"\n event-qps: \"0\"\n feature-gates:
    \"RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true\"\n protect-kernel-defaults:
    \"true\"\n rotate-server-certificates: \"true\"\n tls-cipher-suites:
    path: hardening/audit-policy.yaml\n targetPath: /etc/kubernetes/audit-policy.yaml\n targetOwner:
    \"root:root\"\n targetPermissions: \"0600\"\n - path: hardening/90-kubelet.conf\n targetPath:
    /etc/sysctl.d/90-kubelet.conf\n targetOwner: \"root:root\"\n targetPermissions: \"0600\"\n -
    targetPath: /etc/kubernetes/pod-security-standard.yaml\n targetOwner:
    \"root:root\"\n targetPermissions: \"0600\"\n content: |\n apiVersion:\n kind: AdmissionConfiguration\n plugins:\n - name:
    PodSecurity\n configuration:\n apiVersion:\n kind:
    PodSecurityConfiguration\n defaults:\n enforce:
    \"baseline\"\n enforce-version: \"v1.29\"\n audit:
    \"baseline\"\n audit-version: \"v1.29\"\n warn:
    \"restricted\"\n warn-version: \"v1.29\"\n audit:
    \"restricted\"\n audit-version: \"v1.29\"\n exemptions:\n # Array of
    authenticated usernames to exempt.\n usernames: []\n # Array of runtime class
    names to exempt.\n runtimeClasses: []\n # Array of namespaces to
    exempt.\n namespaces: [kube-system]\n\n preKubeadmCommands:\n # For enabling
    'protect-kernel-defaults' flag to kubelet, kernel parameters changes are required\n - 'echo \"====>
    Applying kernel parameters for Kubelet\"'\n - 'sysctl -p
    /etc/sysctl.d/90-kubelet.conf'\n #postKubeadmCommands:\n #- 'echo \"List of post kubeadm commands to
    be executed\"'\n\n# Client configuration to add OIDC based authentication flags in
    kubeconfig\n#clientConfig:\n #oidc-issuer-url: \"{{
    .spectro.pack.kubernetes.kubeadmconfig.apiServer.extraArgs.oidc-issuer-url }}\"\n #oidc-client-id: \"{{
    .spectro.pack.kubernetes.kubeadmconfig.apiServer.extraArgs.oidc-client-id }}\"\n #oidc-client-secret:
    oidc client secret\n #oidc-extra-scope: profile,email"

    - name: "cni-calico"
    tag: "3.27.0"
    uid: "661cc4f20aa79b7543637fa9"
    registryUid: "5eecc89d0b150045ae661cef"
    "pack:\n content:\n images:\n - image:\n - image:\n - image:\n\nmanifests:\n calico:\n images:\n cni:
    \"\"\n node: \"\"\n kubecontroller: \"\"\n # IPAM type to use. Supported types are
    calico-ipam, host-local\n ipamType: \"calico-ipam\"\n\n calico_ipam:\n assign_ipv4:
    true\n assign_ipv6: false\n\n # Should be one of CALICO_IPV4POOL_IPIP or
    CALICO_IPV4POOL_VXLAN \n encapsulationType: \"CALICO_IPV4POOL_IPIP\"\n\n # Should be one of Always,
    CrossSubnet, Never\n encapsulationMode: \"Always\"\n\n env:\n # Additional env variables for
    calico-node\n calicoNode:\n #IPV6: \"autodetect\"\n #FELIX_IPV6SUPPORT:
    \"\"\n #IP_AUTODETECTION_METHOD: \"first-found\"\n\n # Additional env variables
    for calico-kube-controller deployment\n calicoKubeControllers:\n #LOG_LEVEL:
    \"info\"\n #SYNC_NODE_LABELS: \"true\""

    - name: "csi-aws-ebs"
    tag: "1.26.1"
    uid: "661cc4f60aa79b75afba6d4b"
    registryUid: "5eecc89d0b150045ae661cef"
    "pack:\n content:\n images:\n - image:\n - image:\n -
    image:\n -
    image:\n -
    image:\n -
    image:\n -
    image:\n -
    image:\n -
    image:\n charts:\n -
    repo: \n name:
    aws-ebs-csi-driver\n version: 2.26.1\n namespace:
    \"kube-system\"\n\ncharts:\n aws-ebs-csi-driver: \n storageClasses: \n # Default Storage
    Class\n - name: spectro-storage-class\n # annotation
    metadata\n annotations:\n \"true\"\n #
    label metadata\n # labels:\n # my-label-is: supercool\n # defaults to
    WaitForFirstConsumer\n volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer\n # defaults to
    Delete\n reclaimPolicy: Delete\n parameters:\n # File system type: xfs, ext2, ext3,
    ext4\n \"ext4\"\n # EBS volume type: io1, io2, gp2, gp3, sc1,
    st1, standard\n type: \"gp2\"\n # I/O operations per second per GiB. Required when io1 or
    io2 volume type is specified.\n # iopsPerGB: \"\"\n # Applicable only when io1 or io2 volume
    type is specified\n # allowAutoIOPSPerGBIncrease: false\n # I/O operations per second.
    Applicable only for gp3 volumes.\n # iops: \"\"\n # Throughput in MiB/s. Applicable only for
    gp3 volumes.\n # throughput: \"\"\n # Whether the volume should be encrypted or
    not\n # encrypted: \"\"\n # The full ARN of the key to use when encrypting the volume. When
    not specified, the default KMS key is used.\n # kmsKeyId: \"\"\n # Additional Storage Class
    \n # - name: addon-storage-class\n #
    annotations:\n # \"false\"\n #
    labels:\n # my-label-is: supercool\n # volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer\n #
    reclaimPolicy: Delete\n # parameters:\n # \"ext4\"\n # type:
    \"gp2\"\n # iopsPerGB: \"\"\n # allowAutoIOPSPerGBIncrease: false\n # iops:
    \"\"\n # throughput: \"\"\n # encrypted: \"\"\n # kmsKeyId:
    \"\"\n\n image:\n repository:\n # Overrides the image tag
    whose default is v{{ .Chart.AppVersion }}\n tag: \"\"\n pullPolicy: IfNotPresent\n\n # --
    Custom labels to add into metadata\n customLabels:\n {}\n # k8s-app:
    aws-ebs-csi-driver\n\n sidecars:\n provisioner:\n env:
    []\n image:\n pullPolicy: IfNotPresent\n repository:\n tag:
    \"v3.6.3-eks-1-29-2\"\n logLevel: 2\n # Additional parameters provided by
    external-provisioner.\n additionalArgs: []\n # Grant additional permissions to
    external-provisioner\n additionalClusterRoleRules:\n resources: {}\n # Tune leader
    lease election for csi-provisioner.\n # Leader election is on by
    default.\n leaderElection:\n enabled: true\n # Optional values to tune lease
    behavior.\n # The arguments provided must be in an acceptable time.ParseDuration
    format.\n # Ref:\n # leaseDuration:
    \"15s\"\n # renewDeadline: \"10s\"\n # retryPeriod:
    \"5s\"\n securityContext:\n readOnlyRootFilesystem:
    true\n allowPrivilegeEscalation: false\n attacher:\n env:
    []\n image:\n pullPolicy: IfNotPresent\n repository:\n tag:
    \"v4.4.3-eks-1-29-2\"\n # Tune leader lease election for csi-attacher.\n # Leader election
    is on by default.\n leaderElection:\n enabled: true\n # Optional values to tune
    lease behavior.\n # The arguments provided must be in an acceptable time.ParseDuration
    format.\n # Ref:\n # leaseDuration:
    \"15s\"\n # renewDeadline: \"10s\"\n # retryPeriod: \"5s\"\n logLevel:
    2\n # Additional parameters provided by external-attacher.\n additionalArgs: []\n #
    Grant additional permissions to external-attacher\n additionalClusterRoleRules:
    []\n resources: {}\n securityContext:\n readOnlyRootFilesystem:
    true\n allowPrivilegeEscalation: false\n snapshotter:\n # Enables the snapshotter
    sidecar even if the snapshot CRDs are not installed\n forceEnable: false\n env:
    []\n image:\n pullPolicy: IfNotPresent\n repository:\n tag:
    \"v6.3.3-eks-1-29-2\"\n logLevel: 2\n # Additional parameters provided by
    csi-snapshotter.\n additionalArgs: []\n # Grant additional permissions to
    csi-snapshotter\n additionalClusterRoleRules: []\n resources:
    {}\n securityContext:\n readOnlyRootFilesystem: true\n allowPrivilegeEscalation:
    false\n livenessProbe:\n image:\n pullPolicy: IfNotPresent\n repository:\n tag:
    \"v2.11.0-eks-1-29-2\"\n # Additional parameters provided by
    livenessprobe.\n additionalArgs: []\n resources:
    {}\n securityContext:\n readOnlyRootFilesystem: true\n allowPrivilegeEscalation:
    false\n resizer:\n env: []\n image:\n pullPolicy:
    IfNotPresent\n repository:\n tag:
    \"v1.9.3-eks-1-29-2\"\n # Tune leader lease election for csi-resizer.\n # Leader election is
    on by default.\n leaderElection:\n enabled: true\n # Optional values to tune
    lease behavior.\n # The arguments provided must be in an acceptable time.ParseDuration
    format.\n # Ref:\n # leaseDuration:
    \"15s\"\n # renewDeadline: \"10s\"\n # retryPeriod: \"5s\"\n logLevel:
    2\n # Additional parameters provided by external-resizer.\n additionalArgs: []\n #
    Grant additional permissions to external-resizer\n additionalClusterRoleRules:
    []\n resources: {}\n securityContext:\n readOnlyRootFilesystem:
    true\n allowPrivilegeEscalation: false\n nodeDriverRegistrar:\n env:
    []\n image:\n pullPolicy: IfNotPresent\n repository:\n tag:
    \"v2.9.3-eks-1-29-2\"\n logLevel: 2\n # Additional parameters provided by
    node-driver-registrar.\n additionalArgs: []\n resources:
    {}\n securityContext:\n readOnlyRootFilesystem: true\n allowPrivilegeEscalation:
    false\n livenessProbe:\n exec:\n command:\n -
    /csi-node-driver-registrar\n -
    --kubelet-registration-path=$(DRIVER_REG_SOCK_PATH)\n -
    --mode=kubelet-registration-probe\n initialDelaySeconds: 30\n periodSeconds:
    90\n timeoutSeconds: 15\n volumemodifier:\n env:
    []\n image:\n pullPolicy: IfNotPresent\n repository:\n tag:
    \"v0.1.3\"\n leaderElection:\n enabled: true\n # Optional values to tune lease
    behavior.\n # The arguments provided must be in an acceptable time.ParseDuration
    format.\n # Ref:\n # leaseDuration:
    \"15s\"\n # renewDeadline: \"10s\"\n # retryPeriod: \"5s\"\n logLevel:
    2\n # Additional parameters provided by volume-modifier-for-k8s.\n additionalArgs:
    []\n resources: {}\n securityContext:\n readOnlyRootFilesystem:
    true\n allowPrivilegeEscalation:
    false\n\n proxy:\n http_proxy:\n no_proxy:\n\n imagePullSecrets:
    []\n nameOverride:\n fullnameOverride:\n\n awsAccessSecret:\n name: aws-secret\n keyId:
    key_id\n accessKey: access_key\n\n controller:\n batching:
    true\n volumeModificationFeature:\n enabled: false\n # Additional parameters provided by
    aws-ebs-csi-driver controller.\n additionalArgs: []\n sdkDebugLog: false\n loggingFormat:
    text\n affinity:\n nodeAffinity:\n preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:\n -
    weight: 1\n preference:\n matchExpressions:\n - key:\n operator:
    NotIn\n values:\n -
    fargate\n podAntiAffinity:\n preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:\n -
    podAffinityTerm:\n labelSelector:\n matchExpressions:\n - key:
    app\n operator: In\n values:\n -
    ebs-csi-controller\n topologyKey:\n weight: 100\n #
    The default filesystem type of the volume to provision when fstype is unspecified in the
    StorageClass.\n # If the default is not set and fstype is unset in the StorageClass, then no fstype
    will be set\n defaultFsType: ext4\n env: []\n # Use envFrom to reference ConfigMaps and
    Secrets across all containers in the deployment\n envFrom: []\n # If set, add pv/pvc metadata to
    plugin create requests as parameters.\n extraCreateMetadata: true\n # Extra volume tags to
    attach to each dynamically provisioned volume.\n # ---\n # extraVolumeTags:\n # key1:
    value1\n # key2: value2\n extraVolumeTags: {}\n httpEndpoint:\n # (deprecated) The
    TCP network address where the prometheus metrics endpoint\n # will run (example: `:8080` which
    corresponds to port 8080 on local host).\n # The default is empty string, which means metrics
    endpoint is disabled.\n # ---\n enableMetrics: false\n serviceMonitor:\n # Enables
    the ServiceMonitor resource even if the prometheus-operator CRDs are not installed\n forceEnable:
    false\n # Additional labels for ServiceMonitor object\n labels:\n release:
    prometheus\n # If set to true, AWS API call metrics will be exported to the following\n # TCP
    endpoint: \"\"\n # ---\n # ID of the Kubernetes cluster used for tagging provisioned
    EBS volumes (optional).\n k8sTagClusterId:\n logLevel: 2\n userAgentExtra:
    \"helm\"\n nodeSelector: {}\n podAnnotations: {}\n podLabels: {}\n priorityClassName:
    system-cluster-critical\n # AWS region to use. If not specified then the region will be looked up via
    the AWS EC2 metadata\n # service.\n # ---\n # region:
    us-east-1\n region:\n replicaCount: 2\n updateStrategy:\n type:
    RollingUpdate\n rollingUpdate:\n maxUnavailable: 1\n # type: RollingUpdate\n #
    rollingUpdate:\n # maxSurge: 0\n # maxUnavailable:
    1\n resources:\n requests:\n cpu: 10m\n memory:
    40Mi\n limits:\n cpu: 100m\n memory: 256Mi\n serviceAccount:\n # A
    service account will be created for you if set to true. Set to false if you want to use your
    own.\n create: true\n name: ebs-csi-controller-sa\n annotations: {}\n ##
    Enable if EKS IAM for SA is used\n #
    arn:<partition>:iam::<account>:role/ebs-csi-role\n automountServiceAccountToken:
    true\n tolerations:\n - key: CriticalAddonsOnly\n operator: Exists\n - effect:
    NoExecute\n operator: Exists\n tolerationSeconds: 300\n # TSCs without the label
    selector stanza\n #\n # Example:\n #\n # topologySpreadConstraints:\n # -
    maxSkew: 1\n # topologyKey:\n # whenUnsatisfiable:
    ScheduleAnyway\n # - maxSkew: 1\n # topologyKey:\n # whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway\n topologySpreadConstraints:
    []\n # securityContext on the controller pod\n securityContext:\n runAsNonRoot:
    true\n runAsUser: 1000\n runAsGroup: 1000\n fsGroup: 1000\n # Add additional
    volume mounts on the controller with controller.volumes and controller.volumeMounts\n volumes:
    []\n # Add additional volumes to be mounted onto the controller:\n # - name:
    custom-dir\n # hostPath:\n # path: /path/to/dir\n # type:
    Directory\n volumeMounts: []\n # And add mount paths for those additional volumes:\n # -
    name: custom-dir\n # mountPath: /mount/path\n # ---\n # securityContext on the controller
    container (see sidecars for securityContext on sidecar
    containers)\n containerSecurityContext:\n readOnlyRootFilesystem:
    true\n allowPrivilegeEscalation: false\n initContainers: []\n # containers to be run
    before the controller's container starts.\n #\n # Example:\n #\n # - name:
    wait\n # image: busybox\n # command: [ 'sh', '-c', \"sleep 20\" ]\n # Enable
    opentelemetry tracing for the plugin running on the daemonset\n otelTracing:
    {}\n # otelServiceName: ebs-csi-controller\n # otelExporterEndpoint:
    \"http://localhost:4317\"\n\n node:\n env: []\n envFrom: []\n kubeletPath:
    /var/lib/kubelet\n loggingFormat: text\n logLevel:
    2\n priorityClassName:\n affinity:\n nodeAffinity:\n requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:\n nodeSelectorTerms:\n -
    matchExpressions:\n - key:\n operator:
    NotIn\n values:\n - fargate\n - key:\n operator:
    NotIn\n values:\n - a1.medium\n - a1.large\n -
    a1.xlarge\n - a1.2xlarge\n - a1.4xlarge\n nodeSelector:
    {}\n podAnnotations: {}\n podLabels: {}\n tolerateAllTaints:
    true\n tolerations:\n - operator: Exists\n effect: NoExecute\n tolerationSeconds:
    300\n resources:\n requests:\n cpu: 10m\n memory:
    40Mi\n limits:\n cpu: 100m\n memory:
    256Mi\n serviceAccount:\n create: true\n name: ebs-csi-node-sa\n annotations:
    {}\n ## Enable if EKS IAM for SA is used\n #
    arn:<partition>:iam::<account>:role/ebs-csi-role\n automountServiceAccountToken: true\n #
    Enable the linux daemonset creation\n enableLinux: true\n enableWindows: false\n # The
    \"maximum number of attachable volumes\" per
    node\n volumeAttachLimit:\n updateStrategy:\n type:
    RollingUpdate\n rollingUpdate:\n maxUnavailable: \"10%\"\n hostNetwork:
    false\n # securityContext on the node pod\n securityContext:\n # The node pod must be run
    as root to bind to the registration/driver sockets\n runAsNonRoot: false\n runAsUser:
    0\n runAsGroup: 0\n fsGroup: 0\n # Add additional volume mounts on the node pods with
    node.volumes and node.volumeMounts\n volumes: []\n # Add additional volumes to be mounted onto
    the node pods:\n # - name: custom-dir\n # hostPath:\n # path:
    /path/to/dir\n # type: Directory\n volumeMounts: []\n # And add mount paths for those
    additional volumes:\n # - name: custom-dir\n # mountPath: /mount/path\n # ---\n #
    securityContext on the node container (see sidecars for securityContext on sidecar
    containers)\n containerSecurityContext:\n readOnlyRootFilesystem: true\n privileged:
    true\n # Enable opentelemetry tracing for the plugin running on the daemonset\n otelTracing:
    {}\n # otelServiceName: ebs-csi-node\n # otelExporterEndpoint:
    \"http://localhost:4317\"\n\n additionalDaemonSets:\n # Additional node DaemonSets, using the node
    config structure\n # See docs/ for more information\n #\n #
    example:\n # nodeSelector:\n #
    c5.large\n # volumeAttachLimit: 15\n\n # Enable compatibility for the A1 instance family via use
    of an AL2-based image in a separate DaemonSet\n # a1CompatibilityDaemonSet:
    true\n\n #storageClasses: []\n # Add StorageClass resources like:\n # - name: ebs-sc\n # #
    annotation metadata\n # annotations:\n #
    \"true\"\n # # label metadata\n # labels:\n # my-label-is: supercool\n # # defaults
    to WaitForFirstConsumer\n # volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer\n # # defaults to
    Delete\n # reclaimPolicy: Retain\n # parameters:\n # encrypted:
    \"true\"\n\n volumeSnapshotClasses: []\n # Add VolumeSnapshotClass resources like:\n # - name:
    ebs-vsc\n # # annotation
    metadata\n # annotations:\n #
    \"true\"\n # # label metadata\n # labels:\n # my-label-is: supercool\n # #
    deletionPolicy must be specified\n # deletionPolicy: Delete\n # parameters:\n\n # Use old
    CSIDriver without an fsGroupPolicy set\n # Intended for use with older clusters that cannot easily
    replace the CSIDriver object\n # This parameter should always be false for new
    installations\n useOldCSIDriver: false"

    name: default

    The cluster profile contains the following core infrastructure layers.

    Pack TypeRegistryPack NamePack Version
    OSPublic Repoubuntu-aws22.04
    KubernetesPublic Repokubernetes1.29.0
    NetworkPublic Repocni-calico3.27.0
    StoragePublic Repocsi-aws-ebs1.26.1

    If you want to use different packs in your cluster profile, you can access the Palette UI and simulate creating a cluster profile to gather the pack's required values. During the cluster profile creation, click the API button to display the API payload. You will find the values of each packs' name, tag, uid, registryUid, and values parameters.

  16. Create the cluster profile.

    kubectl apply --filename crossplane-aws/cluster-profile-aws.yaml
  17. Issue the commands below to get the ID of the cluster profile once its creation is complete.

    kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready
    clusterProfileId=$(kubectl get aws-crossplane-cluster-profile --output jsonpath='{}')
    echo Cluster Profile ID: $clusterProfileId condition met
    Cluster Profile ID: 6638e0eb8f42b99cb4d1d1bb
  18. Next, get the ID of your AWS cloud account registered in Palette by invoking the cloudaccounts Palette API. Replace <your-api-key> with your Palette API key and <aws-account-name> with the name under which you registered your AWS account in Palette.

    curl --location --request GET '' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'ApiKey: <your-api-key>' | jq '.items[] | select( == "<aws-account-name>") | .metadata.uid'

    Copy the API response containing your AWS cloud account ID.

  19. Create a file to store the AWS IaaS cluster configuration.

    vi crossplane-aws/cluster-aws.yaml
  20. Paste the cluster configuration displayed below into the text editor window that opens:

    • Replace <ssh-key-name> with the name of the SSH key available in the region where you want to deploy the cluster.
    • Replace <cluster-profile-id> and <cloud-account-id> with the IDs you obtained in steps 17 and 18.

    Optionally, you can edit the region, availability zone, instance type, and number of nodes of your cluster according to your workload.

    Once you are done making the alterations, save and exit the file.

    kind: Aws
    name: aws-crossplane-cluster
    namespace: crossplane-system
    - sshKeyName: <ssh-key-name>
    region: us-east-1
    - azs:
    - us-east-1a
    count: 2
    instanceType: t3.xlarge
    name: machinepool1
    - azs:
    - us-east-1a
    count: 1
    instanceType: m4.2xlarge
    name: controlplanepool
    controlPlane: true
    - id: <cluster-profile-id>
    cloudAccountId: <cloud-account-id>
    name: default
  21. Create the AWS IaaS cluster.

    kubectl apply --filename crossplane-aws/cluster-aws.yaml
  22. Wait for the cluster to be created. The cluster provisioning might take up to 20 minutes.

    kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=1h

    Once ready, you should receive an output similar to the following. condition met


  1. Log in to Palette.

  2. From the left Main Menu, click Clusters.

  3. Verify the deployed cluster named aws-crossplane-cluster is displayed and has the Running and Healthy status.