📄️ Retrieves a list of AWS cloud accounts
Retrieves a list of AWS cloud accounts
📄️ Creates an AWS cloud account
Creates an AWS cloud account
📄️ Deletes the specified AWS account
Deletes the specified AWS account
📄️ Returns the specified AWS account
Returns the specified AWS account
📄️ Updates the specified AWS account
Updates the specified AWS account
📄️ Retrieves a list of azure cloud accounts
Retrieves a list of azure cloud accounts
📄️ Create azure cloud account
Create azure cloud account
📄️ Deletes the specified azure account
Deletes the specified azure account
📄️ Returns the specified azure cloud accoun ...
Returns the specified azure cloud account
📄️ Updates the specified azure account
Updates the specified azure account
📄️ Retrieves a list of cloud accounts by cl ...
Retrieves a list of cloud accounts by cloud type
📄️ Creates an cloud account of specific clo ...
Creates an cloud account of specific cloud type
📄 ️ Deletes the specified account by cloud t ...
Deletes the specified account by cloud type
📄️ Returns the specified account by cloud t ...
Returns the specified account by cloud type
📄️ Updates the specified account by cloud t ...
Updates the specified account by cloud type
📄️ Retrieves a list of gcp cloud accounts
Retrieves a list of gcp cloud accounts
📄️ Creates a GCP cloud account
Creates a GCP cloud account
📄️ Deletes the specified GCP account
Deletes the specified GCP account
📄️ Returns the specified GCP cloud account
Returns the specified GCP cloud account
📄️ Updates the specified GCP account
Updates the specified GCP account
📄️ Retrieves a list of Maas cloud accounts
Retrieves a list of Maas cloud accounts
📄️ Creates an Maas cloud account
Creates an Maas cloud account
📄️ Deletes the specified Maas account
Deletes the specified Maas account
📄️ Returns the specified Maas account
Returns the specified Maas account
📄️ Patches the specified CloudAccount Maas
Patches the specified CloudAccount Maas
📄️ Updates the specified Maas account
Updates the specified Maas account
📄️ Get the maas azs for a given account
Get the maas azs for a given account
📄️ Get the maas domains for a given account
Get the maas domains for a given account
📄️ Get the maas pools for a given account
Get the maas pools for a given account
📄️ Get the maas subnets for a given account
Get the maas subnets for a given account
📄️ Get the maas tags for a given account
Get the maas tags for a given account
📄️ Retrieves a list of OpenStack cloud acco ...
Retrieves a list of OpenStack cloud accounts
📄️ Creates a OpenStack cloud account
Creates a OpenStack cloud account
📄️ Deletes the specified OpenStack account
Deletes the specified OpenStack account
📄️ Returns the specified OpenStack account
Returns the specified OpenStack account
📄️ Updates the specified OpenStack account
Updates the specified OpenStack account
📄️ Get the openstack azs for a given accoun ...
Get the openstack azs for a given account and region
📄️ Get the openstack keypairs for a given a ...
Get the openstack keypairs for a given account and scope
📄️ Get the openstack keypairs for a given a ...
Get the openstack keypairs for a given account and scope
📄️ Get the openstack networks for a given a ...
Get the openstack networks for a given account and scope
📄️ Get the openstack projects for a given a ...
Get the openstack projects for a given account
📄️ Get the openstack regions for a given ac ...
Get the openstack regions for a given account
📄️ Retrieves a list of cloud accounts summa ...
Retrieves a list of cloud accounts summary
📄️ Retrieves a list of Tencent cloud accoun ...
Retrieves a list of Tencent cloud accounts
📄️ Creates an Tencent cloud account
Creates an Tencent cloud account
📄️ Deletes the specified Tencent account
Deletes the specified Tencent account
📄️ Returns the specified Tencent account
Returns the specified Tencent account
📄️ Updates the specified Tencent account
Updates the specified Tencent account
📄️ Retrieves a list of vSphere cloud accoun ...
Retrieves a list of vSphere cloud accounts
📄️ Creates a vSphere cloud account
Creates a vSphere cloud account
📄️ Deletes the specified vSphere account
Deletes the specified vSphere account
📄️ Returns the specified vSphere account
Returns the specified vSphere account
📄️ Updates the specified VSphere account
Updates the specified VSphere account
📄️ Get the vSphere computecluster resources ...
Get the vSphere computecluster resources for the given overlord account
📄️ Get the vSphere datacenters & datacluste ...
Get the vSphere datacenters & datacluster for the given overlord account
📄️ Update the geolocation annotation
Update the geolocation annotation