Edge Mgmt
ποΈ Get the details of the cluster.
Get the details of the cluster.
ποΈ Creates a cluster with the provided clus ...
Creates a cluster with the provided cluster configuration
ποΈ Delete a cluster
Delete a cluster
ποΈ DEPRECATED - This endpoint is deprecated ...
DEPRECATED - This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Use /v1/edge-mgmt/cluster/{clusterName} instead
ποΈ list the details of the clusterβs packs.
list the details of the clusterβs packs.
ποΈ Get Cluster Certificates Info
Get Cluster Certificates Info
ποΈ Get Edge Cluster details
Get Edge Cluster details
ποΈ List cluster events
List cluster events
ποΈ Creates a pairing request
Creates a pairing request
ποΈ Get all existing pairing requests
Get all existing pairing requests
ποΈ Rejects a pairing request
Rejects a pairing request
ποΈ Verifies whether all cluster hosts are a ...
Verifies whether all cluster hosts are able to connect to palette
ποΈ Updates a cluster with the provided clus ...
Updates a cluster with the provided cluster configuration
ποΈ Validate cluster profile variables
Validate cluster profile variables
ποΈ List existing Harbor Content Details
Get Harbor Content Details
ποΈ List Harbor Content Sync Status
Get Harbor Content Sync Status
ποΈ Gets the harbor health status
Gets the harbor health status
ποΈ Renew Cluster Certificates
Renew Cluster Certificates
ποΈ Update cluster settings
Update cluster settings
ποΈ Updates a cluster with the provided clus ...
Updates a cluster with the provided cluster configuration
ποΈ Patch a cluster with the provided cluste ...
Patch a cluster with the provided cluster configuration
ποΈ parses the cluster-config archive.
parses the cluster-config archive.
ποΈ parses the cluster-config archive if it ...
parses the cluster-config archive if it exists.
ποΈ Fetch the cluster node pool details incl ...
Fetch the cluster node pool details including edge host details.
ποΈ Create a machine pool
Create a machine pool
ποΈ Update machine pools
Update machine pools
ποΈ Delete machine pools
Delete machine pools
ποΈ Patch machine pools
Patch machine pools
ποΈ Delete a machine pool node
Delete a node from the machine pool
ποΈ A list of the K8s Cluster Nodes
Get K8s Cluster Nodes
ποΈ Ping an endpoint
Ping an endpoint
ποΈ Display route that IP packets take to a ...
Display route that IP packets take to a network host
ποΈ Get edge host info
Get edge host details
ποΈ Get the public key used to verify the si ...
Get the base64 encoded key used to verify the signed content.
ποΈ Reboot edge host
Reboot edge host
ποΈ Reset edge host
Reset edge host
ποΈ Shutdown edge host
Shutdown edge host
ποΈ Uploads the cluster config archive and e ...
Uploads the cluster config archive and extracts it to the required location on the edge host.
ποΈ Uploads an archive file and extracts it ...
Uploads an archive file and extracts it to the required location on the edge host.
ποΈ Retrieves the list of audit logs
Retrieves the list of audit logs
ποΈ Download audit logs
Download audit logs as a single compressed file
ποΈ Retrieves the list of filter options to ...
Retrieves the list of filter options to display on audit ui page
ποΈ Get edge host configurations.
Get edge host configurations.
ποΈ Update Edge Host configurations
Update Edge Host configurations
ποΈ Edge host configurations status
Edge host configurations status
ποΈ Download edge host Logs
Downloads the logs of the edge host as a tar file.
ποΈ List last 'logCount' edge host error log ...
List last 'logCount' edge host error logs
ποΈ List custom files from the '/var/log/fil ...
Lists all the first level files from the '/var/log/files' directory.
ποΈ Download a custom file from the user-def ...
Downloads a file from the `/var/log/files` directory. The file path is expected to be relative to the `/var/log/files` directory.
ποΈ Start edge host log collection
Start edge host log collection
ποΈ Edge host log collection status
Edge host log collection status
ποΈ Link edge host to another edge host
Link edge host to another edge host
ποΈ Generate a link token for linking edge h ...
Generate a link token for linking edge hosts
ποΈ Get the status of the edge host link
Get the status of the edge host link
ποΈ Unlink edge host from other edge hosts
Unlink edge host from other edge hosts
ποΈ Get metadata of last uploaded content ar ...
Get metadata of last uploaded content archive file
ποΈ Get edge host userdata
Get edge host userdata
ποΈ Update edge host userdata
Update edge host userdata
ποΈ Update edge host userdata
Update edge host userdata
ποΈ Get life cycle events of cluster and edg ...
Get life cycle events of cluster and edge host
ποΈ Get general settings
Get general settings